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位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » IT技术 » 软件制图 » CAD » 终于理解英语问天气


发布时间:2022-12-11 21:44:27
  常用表述   气候干燥。It's dry.
  今天像要下雨。It's wet today.
  今天将有暴风雨。There is going to be a storm today.
  天阴沉沉的。It's gloomy.
  阴天。It's cloudy.
  看样子我们会遇上雷阵雨。It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.
  起雾了。It's foggy.
  冷得像要结冰了.It's freezing.
  今天非常寒冷。It's very cold today.
  快要下暴风雨了.Were going to have a blizzard.
  这天真舒服。It's pleasant.
  这天真舒服。It's comfortable.
  真是个好天气。It's a nice day.
  今天风和日丽。It's mild today.
  雾蒙蒙的。It's misty.
  糟糕的天气。It's miserable.
  我怕热。I'm sensitive to heat.
  今天风和日丽。It's breezy today.
[图片0]   提出问题   明天的天气怎么样?What will the weather be like tomorrow?
  今天的天气怎么样?How's the weather today?
  今天会下雨吗?Is it going to rain today?
  情景短对话   A:明天的天气怎么样?What's the forecast for tomorrow?   B:会冷吧。It's going to be cold.
  A:今天真冷。It's cold today.   B:就是。It sure is.
  A:今天好闷啊!It's really humid today.   B:是呀,我浑身都是汗。Yeah,my body is sweaty.
  A:下雪了。It's snowing.   B:太好了!我们去滑雪吧。Yeah!Let's go skiing.
  A:干嘛往窗户上贴胶条?Why are you taping your windows?   B:台风快到了。A typhoon is coming.
  A:我们去做日光浴吧。Let's go sunbathing.   B:可是,今天天阴。But,it's overcast today.

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