

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

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发布时间:2022-12-11 23:27:17
  1.招呼乘客   1) Good morning/afternoon/evening!   早上/中午/晚上好!
  2) Hello! Welcome aboard bus .   你好!欢迎乘坐101路公共汽车!
  3) Nice to meet you.   很高兴见到你。
  4) How do you do?/How are you?   你好吗?
  2.告别乘客   1) Goodbye/Bye.   再见。
  2) Have a nice day.   祝你愉快。
  3) See you tomorrow/again/later.   明天见/再见/待会儿见。
  4) Welcome aboard our bus again.   欢迎再次乘坐我们的车。
  3.报站   1) This is the No. 101 bus, bound for ShenZhen Train Station.   这是101路公共汽车,开往深圳火车站。
  2) The next stop is Window of the World.   下一站是世界之窗。
  3) We've arrived at the Shanghai Hotel.   上海宾馆站到了。
  4) Please remember to take all your luggage / your belongings with you.   请带齐您的行李准备下车。
  5) We're now at People's Square, you may transfer to the bus or bus .   人民广场到了,您可换乘2路车或8路车。
  4.上下车   1) Please get on at the front door.   请前门上车。
  2) Please exit from / at the rear / back door.   请从后门下车。
  3) Mind your step when the door is opened.   开门请当心。
  4) Please prepare your money.   请准备好零钱。
  5) Please drop your money in the box.   请自觉投币。
  6) Do not exit or board when doors are closing.   当车门正在关闭时,请勿上下车。
  7) Please present your tickets.   请出示车票。
  8) Please let passengers get off the bus first.   请先下后上。
  9) Get on / off the bus in an orderly fashion.   请有序上压车。
[图片0]   情景对话   P: Does this bus get to Haitian Hotel?   请问这辆车到海天酒店吗?   C: Yes, get on, sir. Fares, please. You can also take No. 52 Tramcar.   是的,先生。请买票。你也可以乘坐52路电车。
  P: How much is it?   多少钱啊?   C: Fifty cents each person.   每人50美分。
  P: Here you are. Excuse me, When will the bus leave?   给你。打扰一下,请问这辆公交什么时候发车?   C: In two minutes.   再过两分钟。
  P: When will it get to the terminal?   什么时候到达终点站?   C: 4:30 .   下午4:30到。
  P: What's the stop?   那站叫什么啊?   C: International Fair Center.   那站叫国际博览会中心站。
  P: The next stop is Friendship Square then?   下一站是友谊广场,是吗?   C: That's right.   是的。
  P: How many stops are there to the International Fair Center'?   距国际博览会中心站还有几站啊?   C: Six altogether.   一共还有六站。
  P: Could you please call me when the bus arrives at the stop where I should get of#?   我该下车时,能不能请您叫我一下?   C:Sure.   可以。
  P: Thank you.   谢谢你。   C: Not at all.   不客气。

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