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位置:勤学思培训网OHOWMM » 培训新闻 » IT技术 » 设计师 » 平面设计 » 总算找到旅游路线英语


发布时间:2022-12-11 23:28:53
  1) What tours does your agency provide?   你们旅行社都提供到哪儿的路线?
  2) Does your travel agency offer the domestic routes?   你们旅行社提供国内路线吗?
  3) Does your travel agency provide the routes abroad?   你们提供国际路线吗?
  4) Our travel agency provides tours to different places around the your reservation.   我们旅社提供去往世界各地的旅行线路,欢迎您的预订。
  5) Can you tell me some tourist spots that are very popular these days?   近都有哪些比较火的旅行地点啊?
  6) Can you introduce some favorable traveling routes to me?   你能给我推荐一些比较好的旅游路线吗?
  7) In my opinion, I suggest you take a toura our travel agencydiscounts the tours to other countries, it will be economical to go abroad recently.   依我来着,我建议您选择国外的旅游线路。因为我们旅行社现在正在对出11旅行推行打折活动,所以近去国外将会十分划算。
[图片0]   情景对话   C: Good morning, this is Xinxin travel can I do for you?   早上好,这里是新新旅行社,有什么需要帮助的吗?   G: Good morning. I'd like to know if you can offer me a tour to Beijing.   早上好。我想知道你们有去北京的旅行线路吗?
  C: Of course, sir. We have a classic route. It's a five-day tour which includes not only Beijing but also Shanghai.   当然可以,先生。我们有一条经典的5天线路,不仅包括北京还包括上海。   G:How much is it?   多少钱?
  C: 2000 yuan, including three meals everyday and tour guide service.   2000元.包括每日三餐和导游服务。   G: All right, I will take it.   很好,我就订这个了。
  C: Ok. Can I have your name, please?   好的。请问您的名字是?   G: Zhao Xiaofeng.   赵晓峰。
  C: Mr. Zhao, may I have your telephone number?   赵先生,请问您的电话号码是多少?   G: Sure, .   好的。
  C: Let's reconfim it, , right?   我再确认一下,,对吗?   G:Yeah   是的。
  C: Thank you, Mr. Zhao. We will call you later when we have arranged your itinerary.   谢谢您,赵先生。晚些等我们把您的行程安排好后会给您打电话的。   G: Thank you.   谢谢。
  C:You are welcome.   不客气。   G: Bye.   再见。   C: Bye.   再见。

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