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发布时间:2022-12-11 23:42:37
  1)You can change style/color/material.   你可以换款式/颜色/面料。
  2) This fabric is colorfast.   这种面料不褪色。
  3) All styles are here.   所有的款式都在这里。
  4) We have other samples.   我们有其他样板。
  5) All samples are here.   所有的样板都在这里。
  6) I show you other samples.   我给你看其他样板。
  7) Do you want to change material?   你要换面料吗?
  8) This price is higher because of good material.   这一款价格高一点,因为面料比较好。
  9) The price is higher due to it's special material.   这款价格高一点,因为是特殊面料。
  10) This is a copy one, but the quality is as good as the original ones.   这是仿制的,但质量和正品的一样。
  11)These two materials look the same. In fact, their qualities are much too different.   这两种面料看起来差不多。但事实上,它们的质量是大不同的。
[图片0]   情景对话   A: Hello! Welcome!   您好!欢迎光临!   B: I'd like to choose some cloth for a dress.   我想选些布料做件礼服。
  A: Do you want high class or lower class?   想要高档的,还是低档的?   B: Let me have a look first.   我先看看吧。
  A: What about this one? The best quality, as good as the original.   这款如何?质量比较好,和正牌的一样。   B: Really? Show me other materials.   是吗?拿其他面料的给我看看。
  A: OK. All materials are here now.   好的,所有的面料都在这里了。   B: These materials are beautiful, but, how about the quality?   这些面料都很漂亮,但质量如何?
  A: Please rest assured. The quality is very good.   你可以放心,质量很好。   B: How about this one?   这件怎么样?
  A: The design and the color are OK, but I don't like the material.   式样和颜色都不错,但我不喜欢这种面料。   A: You can change to other material.   你可以换其他而料。   B: Do you have chiffon?   你们有雪纺绸面料的吗?
  A: Yes, I will show you. What about this kind?   有的,我拿给你着。这种怎么样?   B: It's great. I like this kind, and the color is good, too. I'll take it.   很好,我喜欢这种,颜色也不错。我就要这种了。

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