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位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 舞蹈 » 爵士舞 » 总算明了产品质量英语


发布时间:2022-12-11 23:40:13
  1)One of the reasons for our good quality products is the quality inspection system.   我们产品质量好的一个原因就是我们有一个质量检验系统。
  2)Our machines are trouble-free.   我们的机器都是不会出毛病的。
  3)Well, here is one kind made of duralumin. That's cheap and durable.   好,这种是铝合金做的,既便宜又耐用。
  4) There has been a quality department since last year.   自去年起我们就有一个质量确保部门。
  5) How do you ensure quality?   你们怎么确保质量?
  6) In fact, all of our products are of superiorquality.   实际上我们的产品都是高质量的。
  7) We have trained analysts to do quality analysis at each part when we make theproduct. That means that no mistakes are made.   生产过程中的每一环节我们都有专门的分析师来做质量分析。这就意味着不会产生错误。
  8) We provide quality analysis training as part of the training for all our new workers.   在对新员工的培训过程中我们都提供质量分析培训。
  9) Allow me to show our new line of washing mashine, please.   请让我给您展示一下我们一系列的新产品好吗?
  10) And every one of our new products goes through a 3-5 years testing period. Weare sure that each of them has a life warranty.   并且每一台我们的产品都要经过一个3至5年的检测期。我们确保每一台都是终生质保。
[图片0] 情景对话
  A: Hello, sir. Welcome to our shop. Can I help you?   您好,先生。欢迎光临。我能为您做点什么吗?   B: Yes .I'd like to buy a refrigerator.   是的,我想买台冰箱。
  A: Come here, please. There are many new products in our shop.   请这边来。我们这儿有很多新产品。   B: Which one has the best quality?   哪一种质量比较好呢?
  A: In fact, all of our products are of superior quality. I recommend this one to you, as it's more energy-saving.   实际上我们的产品都是高质量的。我向您推荐这台,因为它更节能。   B: Oh, how can I be sure your products are of superior quality as you promised?   哦,我怎么相信你们的产品都是像你许诺的那样好质量呢?
  A: We have trained analysts to do quality analysisat each part when we make the product. That means that no mistakes are made.   在生产过程中的每一环节我们都有专业的分析师来做质量分析。这就意味着不会产生错误。   B: Your salesman also told me that each worker is trained to do quality analysis.   你们的售货员也告诉我说每个工人都接受质量分析的培训。
  A: Certainly. We provide quality analysis training as part of the training for all our new workers.   当然。在对新员工的培训过程中我们都提供质量分析培训。   B: That sounds great. OK, I'll take this one. Can I pay by credit?   那听起来很棒。好吧,我就买这台了。我可以用信用卡付账吗?   A: Of course.   当然可以。

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