

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

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终于知道商务会议 英语

发布时间:2022-12-11 23:46:58
  常用句子   Now let's get things started.   现在让我们开始会议吧。
  Could you start the ball rolling?   你能首先发言吗?
  Are there any more comments before moving on to the next point?   在讨论下个议题之前,还有其他意见吗?
  I totally agree with you.   我完全同意你说的。
  Let's get back on track, and talk about our price.   我们回到正题,谈谈价格问题。
  I would like you take notes, especially the sparkling ideas.   我要大家做会议记录,尤其那些闪光亮点。
  Could you recap the meeting briefly?   你能简要总结一下会议吗?
  To summarize our discussion, we see that we have two proposals to be reconsidered.   总结一下我们的讨论,我们有两个提案需要重新讨论。
  Well, that seems to be all the time we have today.   嗯,今天就到这吧。
  Do you think it is necessary to add this item to the agenda?   你认为有必要把这个加入议题上来吗?
  The conference is running behind the schedule. Could weextend for extra thirty minutes?   会议超出了时间,我们能否再延长三十分钟?
  I'm afraid that goes beyond the scope of this meeting.   我恐怕那已经超出我们今天的话题范围。
[图片0]   情景对话   Chairman:All right. Let's get things started. We will discuss how to increase sales in Asia next year. Any idea?   Larry:I think we should improve popularity of our products at the very beginning of next year.   Bob:I quite agree with you. More chain shops in some large cities should be opened in Asia, for instance Beijing.   Chairman:Could we have your comments, Alexander?   Alexander:Well. I think you are right, but the problem is that our products are somewhat expensive.   Bob:You mean we'll have to reduce our prices?   Alexander:Exactly. I think we need to cut out prices by 15%.   Our marketing strategy should be to make small profits but quick returns.   Bob:I disagree. You know, we only make a small profit at these prices. Apparently we will be bound to be in the red. As I can see, it is more important to improve product's quality and after-sales service than to reduce prices.   Chairman:I agree with your points. On the one hand, we need to do further advertising and promotion. On the other hand, we should strengthen our after-sales service. It's a good idea to open some more chain shops in some large cities. Do you all agree?   All:Yes.   Chairman:Well, do you have another question?   Larry:I think we should take advantage of new technology which enables to improve our quality.   Alexander:But it will cost us more capital.   Chairman:I don't think so. The more you give, the more you get. I will try to raise more funds on technology research. Anything else?   Bob:Ah!What’s more,we need good sales   representatives in Asia.   Larry:Yes, good sales representatives increase our turnovers in Asian market.   Chairman:Great!I give this assignment to you. I hope I can see a large upsurge of the sales in Asian market.   That's all. Dismiss!
  董事长:好。我们开始会议吧。我们将讨论明年如何提高亚洲区的销售额。   拉里:我认为应该在年初改进产品的知名度。   鲍勃:我同意。在亚洲地区大城市应该开更多的连锁店,比如北京。   董事长:亚历山大,你有什么看法?   亚历山大:嗯,我认为正确,但问题是我们的价格有点贵。   鲍勃:你是说我们必须降价?   亚历山大:没错。我认为价格该降15%。我们的市场策略是薄利多销。   鲍勃:我不同意。你知道低价就难获得利润。那样很明显,我们会负债。如我们所看到,提高产品质量和售后服务比降价更重要。   董事长:我同意。一方面,我们进一步加大广告宣传。另一方面我们应该加强售后服务。在大城市开连锁店是好想法。   你们同意吗?   所有人:是的。   董事长:嗯,还有其他问题吗?   拉里:我认为应该引进新技术提高产品质量。   亚历山大:但是需要很大投资资金。   董事长:我不同意。没有投资就没有回报。我会筹集更多资金投在技术研发上。还有别的吗?   鲍勃:还有,我们需出色的亚洲区经销代理商。   拉里:对,经销代理商能够增加我们的营业额。   董事长:好。这个任务你来做。我希望我们能够提高亚洲区的销售额。会议结束,解散。

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