

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » 职业技能 » 播音主持 » 青少儿播音主持 » 总算知晓税收英文怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-11 23:50:05
  Do we have to pay the tax immediately after the tax registration?   税收登记之后马上就要进行税务缴纳吗?
  Could you tell me about the differences between these two tax authorities?   你能告诉我这两种税的不同之处吗?
  What is the deadline for the tax return?   税务申报的后期限是什么时候?
  What is the scope of your company's business?   你们公司的业务范围是什么。
  Is your company an equity controlled company?   你的公司是一个控股公司吗?
  According to the law, you must file the Tax return within the prescribed time.   根据法律,你们必须在规定时间内进行纳税申报。
  There are three levying methods, namely return,assessment, and the derivation.   有三种征税方法,即申报,核定和换算。
  In general, the business tax rate is from 3% to 5% We have to investigate on your tax registration.   一般来讲,营业税税率是3%到5%。我们必须调查你的税务登记情况。
  You need to register with both the national and regional tax authorities respectively.   你需要在国税局和地税局进行税务登记。
  Have you accepted the consignment from any other organization?   你们接受过其他任何组织的委托吗?
[图片0]   情景对话   Taxpayer:Good morning. We are a foreign enterprise. We include automobile retail and auto repair and parts sales business. How to register with the tax authority?   Officers:Well, According to what you said, you have to pay different kind of tax, such as business tax and value added tax. You need to register with both the national and regional tax authorities respectively.   Taxpayer:Could you tell me about these two tax authorities?   Why should we register with two different tax authorities?   Officers:The difference is they are two different kinds of tax that need to be registered in different administration.   Taxpayer:Ok. What is the time requirement for the tax registration?   Officers:After you have received business certificate, you must carry out the tax registration within 30days.   Taxpayer:How is the process of registration?   Officers:First, get and fill in the application form, and hand in relevant materials.   Taxpayer:When can we get the certificate of the registration after that?   Officers:It is about 30 days after the application. We will inform you as soon as it is approved.   Taxpayer:Any charge do I have to pay?   Officers:Yes. It is 50 dollars. Oh, I think you miss something.   Please write your phone number here in the form.   Taxpayer:Ok. Thank you.   Officers:It's my pleasure.
  纳税人:早上好。我是一家外企公司,主营汽车零售和汽车修理与零配件销售。怎么办理税务登记?   税务员:嗯,根据你所说情况,你需缴不同的税种,包括营业税和增值税。需分别到地税局和国税局申请登记。   纳税人:能告诉我这两个税的情况吗?为什么我们要登记两种税?   税务局:它们的区别是不同的税种,需要到不同的部门登记。   纳税人:税务登记在时间上有什么要求吗?   税务局:需要在领取营业执照后,30日内进行税务登记。   纳税人:需要什么手续?   税务局:首先领取并填写申请表。然后提交相关的资料。   纳税人:什么时候我们能拿到登记证书?   税务局:大约在受理申请的30日内。核发登记证时我会通知您。   纳税人:需要交手续费吗?   税务局:费用是50美元。噢,我想你没注意,请在表格这里填上联系电话。   纳税人:好的,谢谢!   税务局:不用谢!

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