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发布时间:2022-12-11 23:51:49
  常用句子   I'd like to apply for a loan to open a business.   我想贷款创业。
  He quitted his job in a large company and started his own business.   他辞掉大公司的工作,开始创业。
  How can you cut down the overhead?   你怎么降低开销的?
  You always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur.   你一直梦想着成为一名企业家。
  What kind of business will you start?   你想开什么样的公司?
  How is your business going?   你的生意怎么样?
  How many partners do you have in your own company?   你自己的公司有几个合伙人?
  Why do you want to start your own business?   你为什么想自己创业?
  Now it is probably a good time to start a business.   目前可能正是创业的时机。
  I am running my own business.   我正在创业。
  I would like to start my own business rather than working as a senior employee.   我想自己创业而不是做个高级打工仔。
  Are you confident your business will run well in the following two years?   你很自信未来两年业务还会一直好吗?
[图片0]   情景对话   Michael:Hey. Sean. How is your job going?   Sean:On the right track. I am running my own business.   Michael:Really? What is it about?   Sean:It is a real state agency. We provide housing service.   Michael:Sounds good. How can you get the capital?   Sean:Well, I have saved some money these years. And I invited my two old friends to joined in.   Michael:How are you able to cut down on overhead?   Sean:I make it a home一based business. I converted my garage into an office where I and my employees can work.   Michael:Are you nervous about quitting your job to start your own business?   Sean:It's a big risk but I am looking forward to the challenge. I enjoin doing my own business.   Michael:Well, I'm glad you make your dream come true. You always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. I really hope your business takes off!
  迈克:嘿,肖恩。你的工作怎么样了?   肖恩:走上正轨了。我在创业呢。   迈克:真的?什么行业?   肖恩:房地产代理公司。我们提供房产服务。   迈克:错。你怎么拿到投资资金的。   肖恩:嗯,我这些年攒了点钱。我还邀请两个老朋友加入。   迈克:你是怎么降低开销的?   肖恩:我用家里的房子开始创业。我把车库变成我们的办公室。   迈克:辞掉工作,开始创业,你会忧虑吗?   肖恩:创业风险是挺大的,但是我希望挑战,我喜欢创业。   迈克:嗯。很高兴你的梦想成真了。你一直想着成为一个企业家。希望你的事业飞黄腾达。

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