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总算理解工作调整 英语

发布时间:2022-12-11 23:54:46
  Can I transfer to a new department?   我能调到新的部门吗?
  I am considering in moving to another department.   我在考虑调到其他部门。
  You have worked in sale departmentfor about two years.   你已经在销售部门工作两年了。
  The boss appreciated what you have done in thisdepartment.   老板很欣赏你在这个部门所做的一切。      What's fact that you are ready for the new transfer?   你准备调离岗位的事实都有哪些?
  I'd like to get broader experience in this field.   我想在这一领域获得更广泛的经验。
  Why do you want to transfer?   你为什么要调离工作?
  My job transfer requires relocating to another state.   我的工作调动要求我搬到另一个州。
  She applied for a transfer to the northwest region.   她申请调到西北区。
  Where do you want to transfer?   你想调到哪里去?  
 I want to work at the financial department.   我想到财务部工作。
  Does the job transfer meet your personal career goal?   工作调动符合你的个人职业目标吗?
[图片0] 情景对话
  Manager:Jane, would you come to my office for a second,please?   Jane:Yes, Sir.   Manager:Please take a seat. Jane, I know you have worked in Europe sale department for about two years, and everything you have done was perfect. Now the board decided to expand our business in Asia and Asian department is going to shape. We planned to transfer you to be responsible for this project. What do you think?   Jane:Thanks for the be honest, I have been considering an opportunity in another. Manager:Really? Was there anything unhappy in European department?   Jane:No, they were very just needed more challenges.   Manager:Oh, I see. You are good at developing new market.   Jane:Can I start to work on the new department plan now?   Manager:Sure, you take a whole responsibility for that one.   And if you need any help, just let me know.   Jane:I am thinking how many agents will be put in Asia.   Then I will recruit some elites and group a strong team.   Manager: Yes, and you should come up the goal for the profits. The board will check all the budget papers.   Jane:No problem.   Manager:I hope you can keep working hard no matter where you work.   Jane:I'll work hard for it.
  经理:简,你能来我办公室来一下吗?   简:好的,先生。   经理:请坐。简,我知道你在欧洲销售部工作两年了,你做的工作都很棒。现在董事会决定扩大在亚洲的业务,要创建亚洲销售部门。我们计划让你负责这个项目。你怎么看?   简:谢谢公司的赏识。说实话,我也一直在考虑获得调离部门或提升的机会。   经理:真的吗?在欧洲部门有不愉快的事情吗?   简:不,他们都不错。我只是需要更多的挑战。   经理:哦,明白。你擅长开发新市场。   简:我能开始这个新部门计划了吗?   经理:当然,你全权负责那个项目。如果需要任何帮助,尽管告诉我。   简:我在考虑在亚洲安排多少代理商。然后找一些经营,组成精英团队。   经理:对,而且你应该拿出利润目标。董事会将查看各种预算资料。   简:没问题。   经理:我希望你不管在哪里工作都继续努力。   简:我会全力以赴。

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