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位置:勤学思培训网LYMEZD » 培训新闻 » 语言培训 » 小语种 » 泰语 » 终于懂了英语职业资格


发布时间:2022-12-11 23:59:36
  Did you obtain physician qualification certificate?   你获得了医师从业资格证书了吗?
  How long have you been a teacher?   你做教师多长时间了?
  The bar exam is kind of tricky.   律师资格考试有点棘手。
  Qualification does not necessarily imply competence.   资格证书不一定代表能力。
  His legal profession qualification is preferred for this position.   这个职位,具有律师资格证的优先。
  What are your qualifications for this job?   你申请这个职位的资格是什么?
  He was disqualified from legal career for taking bribes.   因为受贿,他的律师资格被吊销了。
  Qualification for this organization is extraordinarily difficult.   获得这个组织的资格是相当难的。
  Certification and previous experience are assets for anew position.   资格证书和工作经验是一个新职位的有利条件。
  What you really need is some solid hands-on experience to demonstrate that you can apply your learning to practical effect.   你所需要的就是牢固的动手能力,来表明你所学的知识能应用到实际。
  only ten percent of candidates can pass the test every year.   每年仅有百分之十的人能通过考试。
[图片0] 情景对话
  Jermine:Hey, Doug. You said you want to be a lawyer. Have you done anything about it?   Doug:Yeah, I have taken a lot of courses about law, like civil law, commercial law, criminal law and so on.   Jermine:It seems you work really hard on it. So that's all aboutit? Do you just need to take courses and become a lawyer? I mean you could find a job as a lawyer.   Doug:Not exactly. I have to pass the bar exam.   Jermine:That's just an exam. That's not a big deal.   Doug:It's totally not like what you are saying. The bar exam is kind of tricky. only ten percent of candidates can pass the test every year.   Jermine:Really? It sounds horrible.   Doug:Yes, it does. And two years internship is required after you pass the bar exam.   Jermine:Oh, It is a long journey to become a lawyer. Anyway,you have work so hard on it. I think you will make it.   Doug:Thank you.
  杰明:嘿,道格。你说过你想做一名律师。为此你做了一些工作了吗?   道格:是的,我学了许多法律课程,比如民法,商法,刑法等等。   杰明:看起来你很努力。就这样了吗?你只需要学习这些课程,然后就成为一名律师了?我是说能找到律师工作。   道格:不是的。我还得通过律师资格考试。   杰明:那只不过是一个考试。没什么大不了的。   道格:完全不像你说的那样。那测试是有点棘手。每年仅有百分之十的人能通过考试。   杰明:真的吗?听起来很恐怖。   道格:是的。还有通过考试后,还需要两年的实习。   杰明:噢,成为一名律师真是一次长途“旅行”。不管怎样,你那么努力,你会成功的。   道格:谢谢。

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