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发布时间:2022-12-12 05:09:07





Bus is always crowded in rush and office workers go to work or go back homeat that are often full of people and one can hard to get a seat. And so does mother with a kid is in the old adult offer a seat for her. But the young ignore her.

As the youths,I think it's necessary for us to offer seats for those who really need them,such as expectant mothers,disabled people ,old people and so on.

First, it's the behavior of good are polite enough if you do ,it's the need of social morality.

However,if you can't achieve this, you are probably a definit as a result,you can't be trust in the social activities.

So,let's build a good social order from offering a seats,just from you and me.


Seats this matter,we students doing in many things not people seemed also inside the idea of difficult to control those people,it is hard to stop them coming against us with shame fine think,we'd better by his idea to do:if my health is very good,and I will not hesitate to make,they thanked the things they don't mention it,I do what I should do,I feel at ease,they don't thank,can explain they didn't quality,they see in the eye,they will have the correct evaluation; If I myself in poor health,let no,I will not let,let - not only gives the old man child seat it also includes disabled to let a patient ah,who also belongs to the need to give their seats to his seat,can his quality less ah,in other words,we also does not calculate didn't let,let is to need,and I'll need,is I gave up his seat to yourself,this is wrong?This isn't against social and moral requirements?So,as long as we do what we are supposed to do,do our duty,we have a clear conscience,they says what he,the crowds eyes are discerning,crowd would distinguish one of the good and evil.



Every time when I get on the bus, I won't choose to sit down in the first row, because these seats are often offered to the old and sick people. So as a teenager, sometimes I feel guilty to sit down. In the last decades, we had been educated to let the old and sick people to sit down in the bus. It was the tradition to respect the old in China. But from the news, we have witnessed some old people are rude. They thought it was their privilege to have the seat, so when they weren't offered the seat in the bus, they blamed the young people. Actually, it is the young people's choice to decide whether they want to offer the seat or not. The old people should be gratitude and be nice to the one who help them.


As we know ,respecting the old and taking care of the child is the tradition sprit of our country,when we attend school .our teacher give us elementary education , that is respecting the old and taking care of the young,but we feel bittterly when some adults ingore the old ,they sit the seat play mobile phone ,siting with their legs worse ,theirs behaviors are not good to childrent. It is not advantage for social developments . it influence our images of our country.

In my opinion, the elder are devoted all their youth for life,now ,they should have a happy life,i think the authorities concerned should imphasis the importance on politeness,as the old says:condect decide should form the good habit of politiness ,undoubtful,we should give seat to the elder.



One ’s Seat for the Other or Not Recently, the debate over seats-giving has grown into a nationwide controversy,discussing not only in our naps, but also in public,arguing not only in our nation, but also over the world. Sometimes ,you may feel tired as others,so that you are not willing to give up your seats to those who are less stronger than you. However ,what I mean here is the humanity and the moral values projecting from such phenomenon.

So , what is the humanity? Let ’s see the definition in the dictionary. -----Humanity is about the quality of being a human. And human are born to be kind. Mencius once said,"Man ’s nature at birth is good." Therefore,when we see somebody who is weaker than us,we have the compulsion to product them. Such compulsion is similar to masculine chauvinism which pushes men to protect the feminine. Date back to the Warring States period or Renaissance period, what we lifted was the humanism. Then ,why shouldn’t we tack track of such thoughts? We are all creatures with emotions which are the difference between human and other creatures. This is one small step for a man ,but one giant leap for mankind. Give a seat,gain a comfort.

A seat is also about one’s inside quality and moral powers. As we are all know in “Eight Honors and Eight Disgrace”. As we are in the same bus or the same subway ,we are in the same boat, we have to help each other swim against the stream. When we were very young ,our parents ,our teachers always tell us what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes you may find that children are doing better than us in giving their seats to others or something like what changed us?-----The society of course. So what I want to stress here is that the establishment of civilization is everyone’s responsibility. It is a matter of when not if. No matter how the development of the society is,giving your seats to others who need them more than you is not a behavior,but a spirit of humanity and moral power ,which are needed in various aspects among the society. Hold such powers and be a complete man.

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