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位置:勤学思培训网LYMEZD » 培训新闻 » IT技术 » 办公应用 » 办公软件 » 总算发现珠宝首饰英文


发布时间:2022-12-12 10:40:29
  实用金句    kind of jewelry do you like to have?你想要什么首饰?
   I show you gold ones or platinum ones?黄金的还是白金的?
   gold or carat?要纯金的还是K金的?
   gold necklace has a diamond pendant, and your ear drops should be studded with do you think of this pair?你的金项链带一个钻石坠,那么你的耳坠也应镶有钻
   there is anything wrong with them, you can come back and show me the guarantee of quality, and then you will surely get free service.如果有问题,只要你能出示质量确保书就可以得到免费服务。
   this one suitable for you?这款您戴合适吗?
   about these?They are very nice and of the latest style.这一副怎样?既美观又是新款式的。
   shop doesn't ask two prices.本店是实价。
   only sell at fixed prices.我们是不打折的。
  's our rule never to supply goods cash on delivery.我们的规矩是不能货到付款的。
   is Mother's Day and all the jewelry is on sale at Rich's.今天是母亲节,瑞奇店的所有首饰全部折价出售。
[图片0]   经典会话   Customer:I'd like to buy some jewelry.   Salesgirl:What kind of jewelry do you like to have?   Customer:Some bracelets.   Salesgirl:May I show you gold ones or platinum ones?   Customer:Gold ones, please.   Salesgirl:Pure gold or carat?   Customer:Pure gold ones, please.   Salesgirl:Yes, madam. Are these ones fit you?   Customer:No, they seem to me too old fashioned.   Salesgirl:What about these?They are very nice and of the latest style.   Customer:They fit me well. How much do you charge for it?   Salesgirl:One thousand and two hundred dollars.   Customer:It's too expensive. I can only pay you one thousand dolla rs.   Salesgirl:Sorry, madam, our shop doesn't ask two prices.
  顾客:我想买些首饰。   女店员:你想要什么首饰?   顾客:手链。   女店员:黄金的还是白金的?   顾客:黄金的。   女店员:要纯金的还是K金的?   顾客:请拿纯金的。   女店员:好的,夫人。这一副适合你吗?   顾客:不,我觉得似乎太老式了。   女店员:这一副怎样?既美观又是新款式的。   顾客:很合适。多少钱?   女店员:1200美元。   顾客:太贵了,我只能出1000美元。   女店员:对不起,太太,本店是实价。

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