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发布时间:2022-12-12 10:41:44
  实用金句    kind of shoes do you want?你想要什么样的鞋?
   at these shoes in red 're made in Italy.看那些红色的皮鞋。它们是意大利制作的。
   do you think of this pair?I have these in brown, you like to have a look?您觉得这双怎么样?这双我也有咖啡色的。您要看一看吗?
   shoes are genuine shoes have newly arrived for the coming season.这鞋是牛皮做的,而且这双鞋是刚进店本季流行的一款。
   don't usually give discounts on newly arrived shoes, however, you seem to really like these shoes and you reallywant to buy them for your husband, so I'll give you 10%off the original price.店里新进的货是不打折的,既然您看上去是挺喜欢这鞋的,而且真想买给您先生,就给您打九折吧!
   have all kinds of sports you tell me what kind of sport you usually do?我们有各种各样的运动鞋,你能告诉我,你经常做哪种运动吗?
   can buy a pair of jogging are jogging pair do you like best?您可以买一双慢跑的鞋子,这些就是跑鞋,你喜欢哪一双?
[图片0]   经典会话   Seller:Hello, can I help you?   Buyer:Hi, I'm looking for a pair of men's shoes for my husband.   Seller:What do you think of this pair?I have these in brown too, would you like to have a look?   Buyer:Are they real cowhide?   Seller:Yes, they are genuine cowhide. These shoes have newly arrived for the coming season.   Buyer:Could you please get me a pair of size 41 in brown, please?Seller:Of course!   Buyer:How much are they?   Seller:Well, I don't usually give discounts on newly arrived shoes, however, you seem to really like these shoes andyou really want to buy them for your husband, so I'll give you 10%off the original price.   Buyer:That's wonderful. Thank you very much!
  卖者:您好,有能帮您的吗?   买者:你好,我想买一双男鞋给我先生。   卖者:您觉得这双怎么样?这双我也有咖啡色的。您要看一看吗?   买者:这鞋是真牛皮的吗?   卖者:是的,这鞋是牛皮做的,而月这双鞋是刚进店本季流行的一款。   买者:麻烦你能帮我拿一双41号咖啡色的吗?   卖者:当然可以!   买者:多少钱啊?   卖者:店里新进的货是不打折的,既然您看上去是挺喜欢这鞋的,而且真想买给您先生,就给您打九折吧!   买者:那太好了,谢谢!

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