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位置:勤学思培训网SZDFSL » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 爱好 » 健身 » 总算懂得英语指路用语


发布时间:2022-12-12 11:36:59
  有一个笑话说南方人抱怨北方人爱把事情复杂化,问个路还得备个指南针;而北方人反过来说南方人缺乏方向感,走路连东南西北都分不清。孰是孰非难以判断,但确定的是:方向是个大问题。   's over there.就在那边。   A: Could you tell me where the gas station is?   B: It's over there.   A: Where?   B: Right in the corner.   甲:您知道加油站在哪里吗?   乙:就在那边。   甲:哪里?   乙:转角处。
   right at the first corner.第一个路口右转。   A: How could I get to the register department?   B: Go to the second floor. Then turn right at the first corner.   甲:登记处怎么走,   乙:上二楼,第一个路口右转。   右转:take a right,go right, turn right, make a right.   左转:take a left,go left, turn left, make a left.
  's up ahead on the left.往前走,就在左手边。   A: Where is the store?   B: It's up ahead on the left   甲:这家商店在哪里,   乙:往前走,就在左手边。
  与这句意思相近的句子还有:   It's just up here on the left.   It's on the left just up ahead   It's just ahead on the left hand side.
[图片0]   's just around the corner.就在街角附近。   A:Where is the diner?   B: It's lust around the corner.   甲:餐厅在哪里?   乙:就在街角附近。
   to your left.一直靠左走。   A: OK, so I go down the street and then what?   B: Keep to your left.   甲:好的,我沿着这条路走,然后呢,   乙:一直靠左走。

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