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位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 会计 » 会计师 » 终于领会迷路了英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-12 11:40:29
'm lost.我迷路了。   A:I'm lost.   B:That's too bad. We need to find the way.   A:Let me ask the man over there.   甲:我迷路了。   乙:太糟糕了。我们得找到路才是。   甲:我去问问那边那个男的。
   lost my direction.我都找不着北了。   A: Hey, are you sure we should go this way? I lost my direction.   B: Yes, I'm pretty sure. It's in the next block.   A: Oh, still next!   甲:哎,你确定是这条路啊?我都找不着北了。   乙:我很确定。就在下一个街区。   甲:啊,还在下一个啊!
  direction的意思是“方向、方位”。   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I lost my track.我不知道往哪儿走。   I lost my way.我迷路了。   block是在两个十字路口之间的一段街区。the next block即下个路口之后的那段街区。
[图片0]    I going north?我这是往北走吗?   A: Am I going north?   B: Haha, no, this way is south.   甲:我这是往北走吗,   乙哈哈,不是,这是往南。
  与这句意思相近的句子还有:   Is this way north?   Am I traveling north?
   remember we've been here just now.我觉得我们刚才来过这里。   A: I remember we've been here just now.   B: It must be the No. 1 tower and the No. 2 tower. They are twin towers.   A: Indeed. They look alike.   甲:我觉得我们刚才来过这里。   乙:肯定是一号塔和二号塔的原因。它们是双子塔。   甲:真的啊。它俩真像。
   are just circling around.我们一直在绕圈。   A: Why do these streets look familiar?   B: Of course they are. We are just circling around.   A: But why?   B: Because I get lost, OK?!can't find the exit.   甲:这些街道看起来怎么这么熟悉啊,   乙:当然了。我们一直在绕圈。   甲:为啥啊?   乙:因为我迷路了,行了吧,我找不到出口。
  6. I can't find my way to the railway station.我找不到去火车站的路了。   A: Can you help me? I can't find my way to the railway station.   B: Sure, let me show you on this map   甲:你能帮我吗,我找不到去火车站的路了。   乙:当然,我在地图上指给你看。
  与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I don't know how to get to the train station.   I am having trouble getting to the train station.   I need to go to the train station but I can't find it.

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