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位置:勤学思培训网KTYKGJ » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 健康养生 » 食疗调理师 » 终于清楚生活开支英语


发布时间:2022-12-12 12:17:46
  两个人一起过日子,这钱究竟算是一个家的还是两个人的呢?传统观念大都认为既然都结婚了,大家有钱就一起花。但近的财产公证合法化却又指向了另一个方向。不管怎样,幸福的生活才是根本。   1. Both the husband and wife are wage-earners.夫妻俩都是工薪阶层。   A: So which one works in that family?   B: Both the husband and wife are wage-earners.   甲:那么他们家谁工作,   乙:夫妻俩都是工薪阶层。
  're a dual-income family.我们夫妻俩都上班赚工资。   A: So do either of you stay at home with the kids?   B: No, we're a dual-income family.   甲:那么你们俩当中有一个在家带孩子吗,   乙:不,我们夫妻俩都上班赚工资。
   position offers a fat paycheck.那个职位的报酬很高。   A: I can't decide whether or not to take the job.   B: Why not? That position offers a fat paycheck.   甲:我决定不了是否接受那份工作。   乙:为什么不,那个职位的报酬很高。
[图片0]    is payday.今天是发薪日。   A: You're going shopping again?   B: Yep, why not? Today is payday.   甲:你又要去购物,   乙:是的,为什么不,今天是发薪日。
   do have a family to take care of.我得养家糊口呢。   A: I don't understand why you won't come on the trip with me.   B: I do have a family to take care of.   甲:我不明白你为什么不跟我一起去旅行。   乙:我得养家糊口呢。
  与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I do have a family to feed   I do have a family to look after.   I have a family to think about.
  6. Most of their income goes towards paying their bills.他们收入的绝大部分用来支付生活开支。   A: I don't understand. Where did all their money go?   B: Most of their income goes towards paying their bills.   甲:我不明白,他们的钱都去哪儿了,   乙:他们收入的绝大部分用来支付生活开支。

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