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位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » 中小学 » 中小学教育 » 国学 » 终于懂了早餐英语对话


发布时间:2022-12-12 12:48:52
  's time to have breakfast.该吃早饭了。   A: It's time to have breakfast.   B: Oh, good. I'm starving.   A: I made your favorite.   甲:该吃早饭了。   乙:哦,太好了。我都快饿死了。   甲:我做了你喜欢的。
   eggs are stale.鸡蛋变味了。   A: The eggs are stale.   B: What? I bought it yesterday.   A: I won't eat this.   甲:鸡蛋变味了。   乙:什么,我昨天才买的。   甲:我不会吃这个的。
  't be picky.别挑食。   A: I don't want to eat this.   B: Don't be picky.   A: Fine. I will finish up my plate.   甲:我不想吃这个。   乙:别挑食。   甲:好吧,我会吃完的。
[图片0]    I have some bread and butter?能给我些面包和黄油吗?   A: What would you like?   B: Can I have some bread and butter?   A: Sure.   甲:你想吃什么,   乙:能给我些面包和黄油吗,   甲:当然。
   can eat breakfast on our way to work.我们可以在上班的路上吃早点。   A: We have no time for breakfast.   B: We can eat breakfast on our way to work.   A: Good idea.   甲:我们没时间吃早餐了。   乙:我们可以在上班的路上吃早点。   甲:好主意。
   you please help me get my breakfast ready?你能帮我准备早餐吗?   A: Would you please help me get my breakfast ready when I wash my face and brush my teeth?   B: Sorry, I have no time to help you. Can you just buy something toeat on the way to the company?   A: Fine.   甲:当我洗漱的时候你能帮我准备早餐吗,   乙:对不起,我没时间帮你了。你能在去公司的路上随便买点吃的吗。   甲:好吧。

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