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终于懂得上班迟到 英文

发布时间:2022-12-12 12:55:17
  常用句子   'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.真抱歉11:您久等。
  2. I was tied up with some urgent business.有急事脱不开身。
  3. He can't make it to work today. He has got the flu or something.他今天不能来上班了,他得了流感。
  4. My bus was late again.我的车又来迟了。
  5. What made you so late?你怎么来这么晚?
  6. I didn't make it!我没赶上!
  7. He didn't arrive on time.他没有准时到达。
  8. Let me explain why I was late.让我解释迟到的原因。
  9. I was late for work yesterday.我昨天上班迟到了。

10. Sorry, I overslept this morning.抱歉.
  11. Sorry, he hit the rush hour traffic.抱歉,他碰上高峰时间的交通。
  12. He knew it might sound lame, but his alarm clock somehow didn't go offthis morning.他知道那可能听起来有点扯,但他的闹钟今天早上不知怎么的没有响。
  13. I'm sorry for being late.抱歉我迟到了。
  14. Sorry, I was delayed by a last-minute meeting.抱歉,我因为后临时开会而耽搁了。
  15. I forgot my wallet at home, so I went back for it. That's why I'm late.我把皮夹遗忘在家,所以我回去拿,因为这样我才迟到。
[图片0]   情景对话   A:Sorry, Jim. I'm late.   对不起,吉姆,我迟到了。   B:Vicky, this is the third time this week, isn't it?   维基,这是本星期的第三次了,是吧?
  A:Oh, I know, but I have my reason.   嗯,我知道,但是我是有原因的。   B:What reason?   什么原因?
  A:The subway was very crowded again.   地铁又非常拥挤了。   B:Is it possible for you to take an earlier subway?   你能搭乘一班早一些的地铁吗?
  A:I think so. I'm going to do so.   我想是可以的,我打算就这么办。   B:Or we can change your working hours a bit if you wish.   如果你愿意,也许我们可以改一下你得工作时间。
  A:No, thanks. I can manage it.   不用了,谢谢。我能设法应付的。   B:All right. If there's anything I can do for you, please don't hesitateto let me know about it.   好的.如果有什么事我能为你做,请尽管告诉我。
  A:That's very kind of you, Jim.   你太好了.吉姆。   B:It's not a big deal. But we need to discuss this schedule ofnegotiation now.   没事。不过现在我们需要讨论一下谈判的安排事宜了。  
 A:Yup, let's get it started.   好的,让我们着手做吧。

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