

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网RRHQXD » 培训新闻 » 学历文凭 » 考研考博 » 同等学力申硕 » 总算明白发出邀请的英文


发布时间:2022-12-12 14:43:54
  1. Hi, Ann, how is everything going?你好,安,近过得怎么样?
  2. Are you free tomorrow night?你明天晚上有时间吗?
  3. Would you like to come to my party?你愿意来参加我的聚会吗?
  4. Sorry, but I have to help my mom with housework at home.对不起,可是我要在家给妈妈帮忙做家务。
  5. Can you go to the movies with me?你能和我一起去看电影吗?
  6. Can you come over to my house the day after tomorrow?你后天能来我家吗?
  7. Thank you very much for your invitation.非常感谢你的邀请。

  8. Thanks for asking me.感谢你邀请我。
  9. I'm going to my cousin's birthday party tomorrow.我明天要去参加我表哥的生日聚会。   10. How would you like to go out with your classmates?你愿意和你的同学们出去吗?
  11. When are we going to get together?我们什么时候再聚?
  12. I think we should have a lunch together one day soon.我想咱们有时间应该一块出来吃顿饭。
  13. Okay, let's make it Wednesday.好的,那就定在周三吧。
  14. Well, Wednesday is my best day.周三对我来说合适不过了。
  15. Great, see you then.好极了,那到时候见。
[图片0]   情景对话   A:Hi, Sam.   嗨,山姆。   B:Hi, Lily. Have you received my e-mail yesterday?   嗨,莉莉,你收到我昨晚发的邮件了吗?
  A:Yes, thanks for the information, Would you like to come to myhouse and have dinner?   是的,谢谢你给我的信息,你愿意来我家吃饭吗?   B:Yes, I'd love to   好啊,我很乐意。
  A:Good. You can give me a call and tell me when you'll be freetonight.   太好了,你可以今晚给我电话,告诉我你什么时候有时间。   B:I'm free this week. We can make it tomorrow if it's convenient toyou.   我这周一直有空.要是你方便的话我们可以定在明晚。
  A:Well, I'm afraid I don't have time tomorrow. Wednesday is my bestday...   恐怕我明天没时间,周三对我来说比较合适。   B:Okay, let's make it Wednesday.   好吧,那我们就定在周三。
  A:Noon okay for you?   嗯,中午可以吗?   B:Noon is fine. Shall I pick you up at your place?   可以.到时候需要我去你家接你吗?
  A:That would be great.   那太好了。   B:I'll be there at noon on Wednesday   那我周三中午去吧。
  A:Great. See you then.   好的,那到时候见。   B:OK, bye.   好的,再见。

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