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发布时间:2022-12-12 14:45:01
  常用句子   1. I think you should apologize to her.我认为你应该向她道歉。
  2. It's better for you to finish it today.你今天就把它完成更好。
  3. You had better have a rest.你比较好休息一下。
  4. Don't you think she would be more beautiful with these flowers?你不认为,有这些花,她看起来会更美吗?
  5. I suggest you find a job in a bank.我建议你在银行找份工作。
  6. I advise you to take a taxi there.我建议你打车去。
  7. Why not ask for a help?为什么不寻求帮助呢?
  8. Mr. Black has my strong recommendation. He will be a credit to your firm.   我强烈推荐布莱克先生。他将会成为你们公司的荣耀。
  9. I propose a toast to the manager's return.我提议为总经理的归来干一杯。
  10. Don't forget to close the door.别忘了关门。
  11. Remember to take the documents with you.记得要随身带文件。
  12. Be sure to give him a guest list and some practical suggestions一定记得给他一份客人的名一单和一些实用的建议。
  13. Watch out! There are many pieces of glass.小心,这里有很多玻璃碎片。
  14. I must call your attention to the deadline of this deal.我一定要提醒您注意这笔交易的终期限。
  15. I can't stress enough that both sides should abide by the contract.我不得不强调双方都应当遵守合同的约定。
[图片0]   情景对话   A:Excuse me, may I ask for a hand?   打扰了,能帮个忙吗?   B:Yes, what's the matter?   可以,什么事?
  A:Could you give me some advice about this report?   你能给我的这份报告提点意见吗?   B:Of course. I would be glad to do that.   当然,很高兴那样做。
  A:First, would you mind taking a look at the layout? Do you think it's appropriate?   你能先看一下布局吗?你认为它合适吗?   B:Yes, it's not bad. But I would suggest that you put the logo of our company on each page.   嗯,还不错。我建议你把我们公司的徽标加到每一页上。
  A:That's a good idea. I will do it later.   好主意,我等一下就加上去。   B:Why don't you use different fonts of titles? That would be more distinct.   你为什么不使用不同的字体的标题呢?那样会更加对比鲜明。
  A:Yes, you are right. Any suggestions about the contents?   你是对的,对于报告的内容有什么建议吗?   B:I think you've put all the important points in. Maybe you'd better make the conclusion a little longer to reclaim your ideas more clearly.   我认为你已经把所有要点都写进去了。也许你比较好把结论部分写长一点以便清楚地重申你的见解。
  A:Would it be perfect if I add some pictures?   如果我加入一些图片会不会更完美?   B:Definitely! It would be more impressive.   当然,那就更加让人印象深刻了。
  A:I really appreciate the suggestions you gave me. Thank you so much.   真的很谢谢你给我的建议.太感谢你了。   B:My pleasure.   不客气。

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