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发布时间:2022-12-12 14:46:07
  1. I'm depressed.我的情绪低落。
  2. I'm frustrated.我很沮丧。
  3. I'm upset.我很失落。
  4. I feel down.我觉得情绪不高。
  5. Sadness flooded over me.悲伤充斥了我的心。
  6. My heart is heavy./I'm heavy-hearted.我心情很沉重。
  7. I'm not too happy about it.我对此很不高兴。
  8. We've had it.我们已经无计可施了。
  9. I'm not optimistic about it.我对此并不乐观。
  10. It's hopeless.没有希望啦。
  11. It's the end of the world for me.对我来说这简直是世界末日。
  12. I've got a lot on my mind.我的心情有些沉重。
  13. I'm heartbroken. / My heart is broken.我的心都碎了。
  14. Why arc you feeling so depressed?干嘛这么沮丧呢?
  15. I'm on my last legs.我真是山穷水尽了。
[图片0]   情景对话   A:Oh, my God! It sucks today!   哦,上帝!今天可真是糟透了!   B:What's wrong?   怎么啦?
  A:I got sacked yesterday.   我昨天被炒了鱿鱼。   B:Think of it in another way. You can find a better job.   换个角度想想,你可以找到一份更好的工作。
  A:And my girl friend dumped me this morning. I can't believe it!   接着,今天早上我的女朋友把我甩了,我简直不敢相信!   B:I'm sorry to hear that. It's a pain in the neck. I thought you guys were getting along well with each other.   我为你难过。那真是太痛苦了。我还以为你们相处得很好呢。
  A:That's all because I've totally forgotten to buy her a gift for her birthday last night.   还不是因为昨天她生日我却忘了给她买礼物……You are just being too busy these days.   你近太忙了。   B:I could kick myself, really.   我恨死我自己了。
  A:Come on. Everything will be all right sooner or later. Can I do anything for you?   打起精神来.一起都会好起来的。我能帮什么忙吗?   B:I'm afraid not. Thanks, anyway. I just wondered how this could happen to me!   恐怕你帮不上什么忙。但是谢谢啦。我真想不通我怎么会碰上这样的事!
  A:Well, come on. It's not the end of the world. Anyway, cheer will turn out all right.   好啦,天还没塌下来呢。无论如何,看开一点,一切都会好转起来的。   B:I hope so.   但愿如此。

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