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发布时间:2022-12-03 09:51:41
  Trying on clothes 试穿
  Would you like to try it on?你想试试吗?
  Could I try it on?我能试试吗?
  1、Do I need to put clothes back on the hangers after I try clothing on?   我试完衣服需要把他们放回原处吗?
  2、Do you have a changing room?   你们这有换衣室吗?
  3、Where is the fitting room?   换衣室在哪里?
  4、Do I need to take the clothes back to where I found them?   我需要把衣服放回原来的地方吗?
  5、Do I need to hang the clothes back on the hanger?   我需要把衣服挂回原来的衣架吗?
  6、Can I bring more than one dress to try at a time?   我一次能试多件衣服吗?
  7、May I try on this dress?   我能试试这条裙子吗?
[图片0] 情景对话一
  A:I really like this jacket.   B:That's great. Would you like to try it on?   A:I usually just grab my size and go.   B:Do you always get the proper size?That's cool.   A:Most of the time it fits well.   B:What looks great on the rack doesn't look great on everyone. So it's better to try it on.   A:I have a thing about security watching me undress.   B:There are no security cameras in dressing rooms. That's against the law.
  A我很喜欢这件夹克。   B太好了,您想试试吗?   A我一般拿上我的号就走。   B您每次都能拿到合适的号吗?真酷。   A很多时候都是合适的。   B衣架上好看的衣服不是人人穿着都好看的。所以比较好试试。   A我不喜欢保安看着我不穿衣服。   B更衣室里没有摄像头,这是违法的。
  A:Do I need to put clothes back on the hangers after I try clothing on?   B:You just put it on the rack outside of the dressing room.   A:There is no rack there.   B:Then give the unwanted items to the fitting room assistant if there is no rack.   A:I can remember exactly where it me hang them back on the hanger.
  A:我试完衣服需要把他们放回原处吗?   B:您放在更衣室外面的架子上就行了。   A:更衣室外没架子。   B:那么把不要的衣服给更衣室助理就可以了。   A:我还能记住我在哪里拿的,让我把他们放回去。


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