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发布时间:2022-12-12 22:17:04
  A: Excuse me, Miss.   B: Yes, sir. May I help you?   A: I ordered my meal at least thirty minutesago. Why is it taking such a long time?   B: I'm very sorry, sir. I thought another serverhad already brought you your meal.   A: A waiter did come, but it was not our order.   B: I'm really sorry. I will check it out rightaway.   A: Thank you. But before that, could you do me a favor?   B: Certainly. What is it?   A: We are pretty hungry, so could you please bring us some bread? And also more butter and jam, please.   B: No problem. What kind of bread do you prefer? Whole wheat or white?   A: I like white but my friend likes wholewheat. So could you bring us both?   B: Of course. Anything else?   A: Oh, I think we need more water, too.
  A:小姐,麻烦你一下。   B:先生,需要什么服务吗?   A:我至少在30分钟前点了菜,为什么这么长时问了还没送来?   B:真对不起,先生。我以为另一位服务员已经为您上菜了。   A:确实有一位服务员来过,但是上的不是我们点的菜。   B:真的很抱歉,我现在就去查一下。   A:谢谢,不过在你查之前,请帮我一个忙好吗?   B:好的,请说。   A:我们真的很饿,请给我们送一些面包,多放点黄油和果酱吧。   B:没问题,您要全麦面包还是白面包呢?   A:我要白面包,我朋友要全麦面包。可以两种都给我们一些吗?   B:好,还需要什么吗?   A:哦,我想我们需要加点水。
[图片0] 场景表述
  I ordered my meal at least thirty minutes ago. Why is it taking such a long time?   我至少在 30分钟前点了菜,为什么这么长时间了还没送来?
  还可以这样说:   O What's the holdup? It's been thirty minutes.   怎么还不上菜?已经30分钟了。
  O We're really hungry; could you hurry it up?我们都要饿死了,能快点吗?
  O I'm sorry, but I didn't order this.抱歉,我没有点这个。
  O This fish is undercooked and the sauce is wrong.这鱼还没有熟呢,而且酱汁也不对。
  O The soup is too spicy, but I ordered "not spicy".汤太辣了,我明明点的是不辣的。
  The are pretty hungry, so could you please bring us some bread?   我们真的很饿,请给我们送一些面包。
  还可以这样说:   O Please bring me more napkins.请给我多拿些餐巾纸。
  O May I have some toothpicks?能给我拿些牙签吗?
  O I dropped my fork. May I have a new one?我的叉子掉了,能换一把吗?
  O Can I have another bowl of soup?能再给我盛一碗汤吗?
  O The room is too cold; could you turn up the air-conditioner?房间太凉了,可以把空 调温度调高一点吗?

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