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终于知晓味道怎么样 英语

发布时间:2022-12-12 22:19:18
  A: The steamed fish looks so delicious. Itis the specialty of this restaurant. It issaid that they serve nearly 1,000 fish   every day. Let's order it.   B: OK.   (A moment later.)   C: Your fish, sir.   A: Thanks. It smells great! Let's try it.   B: All right. It's terrific!How do you likethis dish?   A: I love the meat is tender. It'svery fresh and flavorful. Is this flavor suitable for you?   B: I love it, but I think the soup is a littlegreasy.   A: Indeed. We'd better have more fish. I'venever tasted anything as delicious as this.   B: Me too.   A:哇,这条蒸鱼看起来很美味。它是这家餐厅的特色菜。据说他们一天能卖出近1000条鱼。我们点一份吧。   B:好的。   (过了一会儿。)   C:先生,你们的鱼。   A:谢谢。这鱼闻起来很不错,我们尝尝吧。   B:好的。真的很美味!你觉得这道菜怎么样?   A:我喜欢这个味道,肉非常鲜嫩。这道菜很新鲜也很美味。这道菜合你的胃口吗?   B:我很喜欢,但是我觉得这汤有点油腻。   A:确实有点儿,我们还是多吃些鱼肉吧。   我从来没有吃过这么美味的东西。   B:我也是。
[图片0] 场景表述
  How do you like this dish?   你觉得这道菜怎么样?
  对方可能这样回答:   O It smells good.闻着真香。   O That's a far superior taste.这个味道要好得多。   O It's excellent.好吃极了。   O It's so light and fresh.它很清爽而且很新鲜。
  Is this flavor suitable for vou?   这道菜合你的胃口吗?
  对方可能这样回答:   O It doesn't taste good.不好吃。   0 The crabs taste too hot for me.   说太辣了。
  这个螃蟹对我来   O It's salty/sweet / spicy.真咸/甜/辣。

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