

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网OHOWMM » 培训新闻 » 语言培训 » 英语 » IB » 总算领会开发新产品英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-12 22:22:53


Hello, everyone. The topic for our board meeting today is investment and development of new products. Now let' s listen to Dane' s report first. Dane, please. 各位董事,今天会议的议题是新产品投资开发,Dane,请你报告一下情况。 Ok. With the recovery of global economy in recent years, the demand for mechanical products is growing rapidly and so is the machine tool industry. At the same time, competition is getting more and more intense. based on the analysis of machine tool products in the market, we come to the following conclusion-the competition focuses on ordinary machine tools and the supply exceeds the demand. However, there is a growing demand for digital, large size machine tools and this demand exceeds the supply in the market. Therefore, we should take advantage of our technology and facilities to quicken the production and develop new products. 好的。近年来全球经济复苏,对机械产品的需求很大,机床制造业发展迅速,但竞争也更趋激烈。根据对市场机床产品的需求分析,我们的结论是,目前机床产品的竞争主要是在普通机床上,而且市场已呈现出供过于求的态势。而市场对大型、数字化机床的需求量不断上升,但供应却不足。因此,我认为,我们要利用技术和设备优势,加快大型、数字化机床的研制,开发新产品。 But in my opinion, since the world economy is developing well, we have regular customers and our products have a good sale. So we should concentrate on the production of ordinary machine tools. If we develop new products, we shall have to invest a lot with risk. You know, now we are in financial difficulty. 目前世界经济发展形势良好,近几年内我们的机床产品不愁销路,因为我们的产品质量好,而且我们有稳定的客户。所以我们要集中精力继续生产普通机床。现阶段我们公司的财务状况不太好,开发新产品会增加投入,说不定还有风险。 But we cannot just care about the present situation. We should have a sense of urgency. Actually we are now faced with challenge and threat from competition. I am sure you remember that our sales of the first quarter this year is 10% lower than that of last year. This is not a good signal and things may go worse. 我们不能只考虑现状,我们应有紧迫感。事实上我们已感觉到了竞争的威胁和挑战。大家可能不会忘记,今年第一季度我们的销售额比去年同期下降了10%,这是个不好的信号,情况也许还会更糟。 Well, I agree with Dane. With ever increasing competitors of the same products in the market, we will get less and less profit. To ensure our competitive advantage and more profit, we have to do something new ahead of time. That' s to say, we should develop digital, large size machine tools as soon as possible, even if with a loan.我同意Dane的分析。随着更多的生产同类产品的竞争者加入,我们的盈利会缩小。要确保我们的产品有竞争优势,获得更大的利润,我们必须走在别人前面,做别人没有能力做或者没有想到要做的事情。也就是说,尽快开发大型、数字化机床,即使是贷款,也要上。 What' s your opinion, Xiao Wang?小汪,你说说看。 I think we can combine production with development. On one hand, we must quicken our production and enlarge our sales to get more fund. On the other hand, we should waste no time to develop new products and occupy the market. 我们可以将生产和开发结合起来。一方面,我们要加快生产,扩大销售,积累资金;另一方面,加紧研制,早日推出新产品,占领市场。 Great! That' s exactly what I want to say. So it is time for us to develop new products. That' s it. Now let' s discuss technology and fund for product development. 说得好。我看开发新产品是刻不容缓的事情了。这件事就这么定了。下面我们讨论新产品开发的技术、资金等方面的问题。


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