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发布时间:2022-12-12 22:25:51
  A: Mr. Bryant, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Morgan. This is Mr. Morgan,our sales manager. And Mr. Morgan,this is Mr. Bryant.   B: Nice to meet you. Here is my business card.   C: Nice to meet you, too, Mr. you for coming today. We have been expecting you all the time.   B: My pleasure. Let me say the most sincere "thank you" for your warm and gracious welcome. Your staff isfriendly and the accommodations you have provided are very comfortable.   C: I'm glad you like it. We are close business partners. In spite of the worldwide economic recession inrecent years, there has been a steady growth in our economic cooperation and trade volume. It is our sincere wishthat we can continue to work together closely to enhance our friendship.   B: We share the same desire. We should cooperate more closely, share newideas and developments. If we work together, we can all move forward quickly.
  C:见到您很高兴,布赖恩特先生。谢谢您今天的莅临。我们一直在盼着您来呢。   B:这真是我的荣幸。我想向你们表达诚挚的谢意,感谢你们对我热情而亲切的欢迎。你们的员工很友善,你们提供的住处也非常舒适。   C:很高兴您都满意。我们是亲密的生意伙伴,尽管近年来世界经济不景气,但我们之间的经济合作和贸易额却一直在稳步增长。我们真诚地希望彼此之间继续密切合作,进一步稳固我们的友好关系。   B:我们也希望如此。我们应该加强密切合作,分享新观念新发展。如果我们通力合作,我们彼此都能快速发展。
[图片0] 场景表述
  Mr. Bryant, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Morgan.   布赖恩特先生·我来为您介绍摩根先生.
  还可以这样说:   O This is Tim, my boss.这是我的老板蒂姆。   O This is Mr. Lee from Comptronics.这是来自康普川尼斯的李先生。
  对方可能这样回答:   O It's a pleasure to meet you.很高兴见到你。   O I've heard a lot about you.久仰大名。
  Thank you for coming today.   谢谢您今天的莅临。
  还可以这样说:   O On behalf of Ribold Corporation, I would like to welcome you all to the Meadowbrook Manufacturing Plant.谨代表赖博企业欢迎各位往临梅德布鲁克制造厂。
  O We're honored to have Delco Finance visiting us this afternoon.很荣幸戴克金融公对方可能这样回答:
  O Thank you for your hospitality。谢谢你们的热情接待。

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