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位置:勤学思培训网OHOWMM » 培训新闻 » 中小学 » 幼儿早期教育 » 亲子教育 » 总算明了商务会面 英语

总算明了商务会面 英语

发布时间:2022-12-12 22:29:23
  A: Excuse me. Is this Tele System?   B: Yes, that's right. What can I do for you?   A:I'd like to see your CEO about the contract of cell phone. Here's my calling card.   B: Thanks, Mr. Green. Take a seat, you have an appointment withMr. Jones?   A: No. But I need to have a talk with him. I've got some ideas about the contract.   B: I see. I'll see if he is free now. Would you please wait a moment?   A: OK.   B: I'm sorry. Mr. Jones is talking with a client from Australia. Maybe he canmeet you another time. Would you like to make an appointment for another time?   A: OK.   A:打扰了。请问这里是Tele公司吗?   B:是的,没错。有什么需要帮助的吗?   A:我想见一下你们的执行总裁,谈谈手机合同一事。这是我的名片。   B:谢谢,格林先生。请坐。您和琼斯先生有预约吗?   A:没有。但是我必须得和他谈谈。我对合同有些看法。   B:哦。我看一下总裁现在是否有空。请您稍等片刻,好吗?   A:好的。   B:对不起,总裁正在和一位澳大利亚客户谈话。也许他可以在其他时间见您。能帮您预约到其他时间吗?   A:可以。
[图片0] 场景表述
  I'd like to see your CEO about the contract of cell phone.   我想见一下你们的执行总裁,谈谈手机合同一事。
  还可以这样说:   O I'd like to see someone in charge of Marketing.   我想见一下你们市场部的负责人。
  对方可能这样问:   O How can I be of service?有什么能为您效劳的吗?
  No. But I need to have a talk with him.   没有。但是我必须得和他谈谈。
  还可以这样说:   O Yes, I had an appointment with Mr. Jones at three .   是的,我和琼斯先生约在下午3点见面。
  对方可能这样问:   O Does Mr. Jones know you will be here?   琼斯先生知道您要来吗?

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