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位置:勤学思培训网RRHQXD » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 其他职业资格 » 社会工作者 » 终于理解邮寄英文怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-12 22:33:22
  A: Hello, Business Center, what can I do for you?   B: Hello, I want to post a letter.   A: May I have your name and room number?   B: My name is Brown, and I live in Room 1503.   A: You want to send an ordinary mail,right?   B: Yes.   A: Please tell me the full address and zip code.   B: They're all written here.   A: OK, wait a moment... please check the address and zip code on envelop.   B: No problem.   A: We'll call the post office to confirm the receiving time.   B: Thank you.
  A:您好,商务中心,有什么可以帮您的吗?   B:您好,我想寄一封信。   A:请问您怎么称呼,房间号是多少?   B:我是1503号房间的布朗先生。   A:您是要寄平信,对吗?   B:是的。   A:请您告诉我详细地址和邮政编码。   B:都写在上面了。   A:好的,请稍等……请确认信封上的地址和邮编。   B:没问题。   A:我们会通知邮局,确认收信时问。   B:谢谢。
[图片0] 场景表述
  You want to send an ordinary mail, right?   您是要寄平信,对吗?
  还可以这样说:   O An ordinary letter or a registered letter?您是要寄平信还是挂号信?   O What kind of mailing method would you like?请问您想要哪种邮寄方式呢?   O We have EMS service for you if it is urgent.   如果您有急事的话可以选择用EMS(邮政特快专递)。
  Please tell me the full address and zip code.   请您告诉我详细地址和邮政编码。
  还可以这样说:   O Do you know what the zip code is?您知道邮政编码是多少吗?   O Excuse me. I need to look up the zip code first,just a few minutes.对不起,我需要先查询一下邮政编码,请稍等。   O Sorry, the address has to be specific, otherwise your letter may not be delivered correctly.抱歉,您必须告诉我详细的地址,否则您的信有可能寄不到。
  We'll call the post office to confirm the receiving time.   我们会通知邮局,确认收信时间。
  还可以这样说:   O A postman will be here to fetch your letter at nine am tomorrow.   明天早上9点,邮递员会来取您的信。   The person responsible for receiving and sending letters will fetch back the receipt of your registered letter, and then we'll keep you posted.

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