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发布时间:2022-12-03 10:11:26
  Gossip 闲谈 简单精华句
  I'll go along with that.我同意。
  Looking forward to the weekend?盼着周末吗?
  I'll keep my fingers crossed.我会祈祷的。
  And how.我同意。
  You bet.没错。
  You said that.说的对。
  I burn the candle at both ends.我工作很辛苦。
  I work after hours.我加班。
  How did your exam go?你考得怎么样?
[图片0] 情景对话一
  A:Did you catch the news today?   B:What did they say? I need to read newspaper more.   A:A drunk driver caused an accident.   B:There should be more punishment for drunk drivers.   A:I'll go along with that.
  A:你看今天的新闻了吗?   B:说什么?我需要多读点报纸。   A:一个醉酒驾车的驾驶员造成了车祸。   B:醉酒驾车的人应该受到更多的惩罚。   A:我同意。
  A:Looking forward to the weekend?   B:Yes. Has it been a long week?   A:Really stressful. I burn the candle at both ends.   B:Yes. You have a demanding job and work after hours. You also have to take care of kids.   A:I do hope my husband can do more household chores than his share.
  A:盼着周末吗?   B:是啊,这周特别长吧?   A:很紧张。我工作很辛苦。   B:是的,你有份很辛苦的工作,要加班,还要照顾孩子。   A;我希望我丈夫能帮我做做家务。
  A:How did your exam go?   B:I passed it.   A:Congratulations on passing!You deserve it after so much hard work.   B:How about your math exam?   A:I don't know. I'll keep my fingers crossed.   B:I'm sure you can pass it. You've always been working hard on it.   A:I hope so. But sometimes luck is very important.   B:Yes, I agree.   A:Anyway, I will call you when I get the results.   B:Good luck.
  A:你考得怎么样?   B:过了。   A:祝贺你。你这么努力,应该取得好成绩。   B:你的数学考试考得怎么样?   A:我不知道。我会祈祷的。   B:我相信你肯定能过。你一直以来都那么努力。   A:我也希望如此。但有时候运气很重要。   B:是的,我同意。   A:不管怎样,我知道结果后便告诉你。   B:祝你好运。


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