

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

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发布时间:2022-12-12 22:48:20


Good morning, General Manager' s Office of Mechanic Equipment import and Export Company. 早上好,机械设备进出口公司总经理办公室。 Hello, this is Johnson. I' m calling about the appointment with Mr. Hu for this ' s just come up, I' m afraid the appointment will have to be rescheduled. I' m very sorry about the change. 你好,我是约翰逊。我打电话是关于和胡先生今天下午会面的事。由于一件意想不到的事,恐怕约会不得不改期了,我很抱歉。 That' s all right. Maybe we can make another arrangement. 没什么,也许我们可以再安排一个时间会面。 You' re very kind to say so. Thank you. Do you think tomorrow morning would suit him?非常感谢。 你觉得明天上午对他合适吗? I' m afraid there' s a bit of a problem. In fact, he' s booked the whole week except tomorrow afternoon. 明天上午可能有点问题。事实上,除了明天下午以外,他这一星期的其余时间都很忙。 Tomorrow afternoon? Hm… you see, I' ve made an appointment with Mr. Thomas for tomorrow afternoon. But in order to meet Mr. Hu, I' 11 have to cancel the appointment with Thomas. 明天下午?嗯……明天下午我已经和汤姆斯先生约好了。不过为了和胡先生见面,恐怕我得取消和汤姆斯先生的约会了。 I' m terribly sorry, sir, but Mr. Hu is really busy this week. 我十分抱歉,先生。胡先生这个星期确实太忙了。 It happens to me sometimes. Then when do you think I can come and see him tomorrow afternoon? 这种情况有时我也会碰上。那么你认为我明天下午什么时间可以来见他? Please wait a minute and let me check… Tomorrow afternoon… Yes, he' 11 be free from 2: 30 on tomorrow afternoon. Do you think it' s convenient for you? 请稍等,我来查看一下。明天下午他从两点半开始有空。你认为这个时间对你方便吗? Yes, that' s quite all right for me.行,这个时间对我很合适。 [图片1] [图片2]

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