

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网GEZYDK » 培训新闻 » 语言培训 » 英语 » AEIS » 总算明白点菜英语口语


发布时间:2022-12-12 23:04:13
  A: Good afternoon. Are you ready to order now?   B: Yes, we're ready. We want to have Grilled Pacific Swordfish and green salad.   A: Anything else for you?   B: Some sesame chicken, please.   A: Great. Would you like anything to start off with before your main course?   B: No, thank you.   A: OK. Please wait a little while for your food.   B: Would you please bring us some magazines?   A: Of course. We've subscribed a lot of fashion magazines.   B: Great!   A:下午好。您准备好点菜了吗?
  B:是的,我们准备好了。我们想要一份烤太平洋旗鱼和蔬菜沙拉。   A:您还要点别的什么吗?   B:请再来些芝麻鸡。   A:好的。在主菜上来之前,您想不想先来点别的食物呢?   B:不用了,谢谢你。   A:好的。您点的餐稍后就上来。   B:你能给我们拿些杂志来吗?   A:当然可以,我们订阅了很多时尚杂志。   B:太棒了。
[图片0] 场景表述
  Please wait a little while for your food.   您点的菜稍后就上来。
  还可以这样说:   O I will be back later and serve you your food.我稍后会回来给您上菜。
  O Please wait a moment.请稍等一会儿。
  O We will serve you later on.我们稍后会为您上菜。
  Would you please bring us some magazines?   你能给我们拿些杂志来吗?
  还可以这样说:   O Do you have any books for killing the time?你们有没有书供我们打发时间?
  O Would you please bring some items like jigsaw puzzles and small toys for kids to pass the time?

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