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位置:勤学思培训网USEIRY » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 会计 » 美国注册会计师 » 总算领会拼桌的英语


发布时间:2022-12-12 23:12:28
  A: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant.   B: Good evening, could you find us a table for two, please?   A: I'm afraid all of our tables are taken,sir. Could you wait in line until a table is free, please?   B: Well, how long will it take?   A: about twenty minutes, sir.   B: That's too long.   A: Let me see. Would you mind sharing a table?   B: That's fine. I just want to save time.   A: This way please. I'll show you to your table.
  A:晚上好,先生。欢迎光临本餐厅。   B:晚上好。请给我们安排一张两人的餐桌,好吗?   A:恐怕所有的位子都满了,先生。请排队等一会儿好吗?   B:好的,要等多长时间?   A:大约20分钟,先生。   B:那太久了。   A:让我看一下。那么您介意与别人拼桌吗?   B:没问题。我只想节约时间。   A:这边请。我带您人座。
[图片0] 场景表述
  Would you mind sharing a table?   那么您介意与别人拼桌吗?
  还可以这样说:   O Do you mind sharing the table with that man?您愿意与那位先生拼桌吗?   O Would you mind sitting with him at the same table?您介意与他同桌吃饭吗?
  That's fine. I just want to save time.   没问题。我只想节约时间。
  对方还可能这样说:   O It can save a lot of time to do more significant things.   这样可以节约很多时间去做更重要的事情。
  OWell, we'd rather wait. 呃,我们还是等一会儿吧。

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