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位置:勤学思培训网USEIRY » 培训新闻 » 职业技能 » 创业手艺 » 插花 » 总算晓得关于就餐的英语对话


发布时间:2022-12-12 23:18:52
  情景会话   A: I'd like a table for six or seven please.   B: Would you like to reserve a private dining room?   A: That sounds like a good idea. I'll re-serve a private room then.   B: What time would you like your table?   A: 7:30 pm.   B: Okay. We'll keep your table until 7:40pm. We can't guarantee that your tablewill be available after that.   A: Yes, I understand.   B: Thank you. Is there anything else I can do?   A: Can I stand a chance of getting a tableby the window?   B: I will try my very best to arrange that.   A: Thank You.   B:You are welcome. We are looking forward to having you with us.
  B:您需要订个包间吗?   A:听起来不错。那就订个包间吧。   B:您想预订什么时间的餐位?   A:晚上7:300   B:好的。我们将预留您的餐位至7:40我们不能确保您订的餐位在7:40以后还能为您保留。   A:是的,我理解。   B:多谢。还有别的要求吗?   A:能给我安排靠窗的桌子吗?   B:我会尽量为您安排。   A:谢谢。   B:不客气。期待您的光临。
[图片0]   场景描述   Would you like to reserve a private dining room?   您需要订个包间吗?
  还可以这样说:   Is that table OK?那个桌位可以吗?
  It is the closest to the window and you are able to see the beautiful scenery outside the window.这儿离窗户近,您可以欣赏窗外的美丽风景。
  We'll keep your table until 7:40 pm.   我们将预留您的餐位至7:400
  还可以这样说:   Please call us half an hour earlier to cancel your reservation.   请提前半小时打电话给我们来取消您的预订。
  We don't serve buffet here.我们这里不提供自助餐。
  Is there anything else I can do?还有别的要求吗?

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