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发布时间:2022-12-12 23:26:42
  A: Good morning, Room Reservation. May I help you?   B: Yes, I'd like to extend three days formy stay.   A: Sorry, but your room has been reserved by other guests.   B: Can you find me another room in your hotel?   A: Let me check. I'm very sorry, but we   are fully booked for all types of rooms.   B: I see, is it possible for you to book me into another hotel in the area?   A: Yes. I'll try my best.
  A:早上好,客房预订部。能为您效劳吗?   B:是的,我要延长住宿三天。   A:抱歉,已经有其他客人预订了您的房问。   B:你可以为我在你们酒店找到其他空房吗?   A:认:我查一下。很抱歉,我们所有类型的客房都被预订满了。   B:明白了,你可不可以帮我在这附近订另一家酒店?   A:好的,我会尽力帮助您的。
[图片0] 场景表述
  Sorry, but your room has been reserved by other guests.   抱歉,已经有其他客人预订了您的房间。   还可以这样说:   0 Would you like to take the same room type you're having now?   您想要跟现在所住房间同样的房型吗?
  O Would you mind transferring to the rooms on the first floor?   您介意换到一楼的房间吗?
  对方可能这样回答:   OI would take any type of room.任何种类的房间都可以。
  O Please let me know if a room becomes available.如果有空房的话请通知我。  
I'm very sorry, but we are fully booked for all types of rooms.   很抱歉,我们所有类型的客房都被预订满了。   还可以这样说:   O I'm afraid we don't have any room available that night.恐怕我们那晚没有空房了。
  O Sorry, we have no vacancy for that day.对不起,我们那天没有空房。
  O Do you need me to book you into another hotel?您需要我为您订其他酒店的房间吗?
  I'll try my best.   我会尽力帮助您的。   还可以这样说:   O I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do.抱歉,我也无能为力了。
  O I will let you know once there's a vacancy.一旦有空房了我就通知您。
  O Thank you for staying with us. I look forward to seeing you again.   谢谢您入住我们酒店。期待您下次光临。
  对方可能这样回答:   O Thank you for helping me out.谢谢你的帮助。   OI enjoyed staying here.我在这里过得很愉快。

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