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总算知道对帐单 英文

发布时间:2022-12-12 23:40:57
  A: This is your bill, sir. Please check if there's anything wrong.   B: What's this extra charge here?   A: It's the meal you had at the hotel yesterday.   B: But I didn't have any meal here yesterday. I'm afraid it is mistaken.   A: I'm very sorry, sir. Let me double check the nights at one and twenty US dollars each,   and here is the twenty dollars for the breakfast. That makes a total of two hundred and sixty US dollars.   B: I see. I thought breakfast was included.   A: I'm truly sorry, but we don't have this policy, sir.   B: Fine. Do you take credit card?   A: Yes. Please sign here, sir. Thank you for staying with us. Goodbye.
  A:这是您的账单,先生。请检查一下有没有错误的地方。   B:这一项额外的支出是什么?   A:这是您昨天在酒店的餐费。   B:但是我昨天没在这里吃饭啊。恐怕是搞错了。   A:很抱歉,先生。我再检查一次账单。房费每晚120美元,共两晚,这里是20元的早餐费。总共是260美元。   B:我知道了。我以为早餐包含在房费内。   A:很抱歉,我们酒店没有这项政策,先生。   B:好吧。我能用信用卡付款吗?   A:可以。请您在这里签字,先生。感谢您的光顾。再见。
[图片0] 场景问答句
  This is your bill, sir. Please check if there's anything wrong.   这是您的账单,先生。清检查一下有没有错误的地方。
  还可以这样说:   Your bill has already been sent to your room.   您的账单已送到您房间去了。
  This extra charge is for the water you tookfrom the mini bar.这项额外的费用是您从小冰箱拿的那瓶水的钱。
  Breakfast is already included in the rent.早餐费已经包含在房费里了。
  I'm very sorry, sir. Let me double check the bill.   很抱歉,先生。我再检查一次账单。   还可以这样说:    I'll need to find out what the charge is on the breakfast.我得查一下早餐的费用是多少。
  Your final bill has not reached our department yet, sir. Would you please wait a moment while I chase it down?先生,您终的账单还未送到。我把它调过来,请您稍等好吗?
  I counted it three times. There were two bills stuck together.   我数过三遍了,有两张账单粘在了一起。
  I'm truly sorry, but we don't have this policy, sir.   很抱歉,我们酒店没有这项政策,先生。
  还可以这样说:   If you leave after twelve o'clock, you have to pay half of the day's rent. If you leave after six pm, you have to pay the full rent.如果您12点以后走,得付半天房费;如果您晚上6点以   后走,就得付全天的房费了。
  We can provide a discount only if you have our membership card.   只有您有会员卡,我们才能为您提供折扣。
  You shall leave before twelve o'clock, otherwise there will be an extra charge.   您需要在12点前离店,否则会产生额外费用。

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