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位置:勤学思培训网RMOYRF » 培训新闻 » IT技术 » IT认证 » PMP认证 » 终于发现巴士用英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-13 06:34:11
  Bobbie: Colorado is fairly far away from think we should fly. It's the fastest option.   Lele: But if we fly, we'll miss out on thelandscape.   Bobbie: OK, airplanes are out. How about hitch-hiking since we've already rented a car?   Lele: Nuh-uh. That's not safe. I'll pass. In fact,I'd like to see what an American bus is like.   Bobbie: Have you ever heard of American Grey-hound buses?   Lele: Yes, they are famous. Let's go and take aGreyhound.   Bobbie: As you wish, princess!   Lele: This is my first time to ride on Grey-hound. How exciting! When will we arrive in Colorado?   Bobbie: Well, we left at five this morning andwill arrive there at eleven tonight. Incidentally, Greyhound bus is very fast.   Lele: Wow, that s a quite ride!   Lele:Greyhound bus deserves its name for its fast speed, doesn't it?   Bobbie:Yes.
[图片0]  扩展表达   穿梭巴士:shuttle bus   换乘票:transfer   投币箱:fare box   电车:trolley bus   长途大巴:coach

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