

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网RMOYRF » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 外贸 » 国际商务师 » 总算晓得转机英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-13 06:41:22
  Lele: How long will you stop in Tokyo?   Kiki: about 40 minutes.   Lele:I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport.   Kiki:Really? I think it's interesting.   Lele:What? Don't you think it's a waste of time?   Kiki:Not in my book. I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops.   Kiki:I bought a Sony digital camera and two bottles of Sake in the duty-free shop inthe terminal. And I didn't have to pay any tax on them.   Lele:So that means you saved a lot of money.   Kiki:You can say that again.   Kiki:I'm to transfer to the connecting flight to Los Angeles. Can you help me?   A P:Yes. Please let me see your ticket and pass-port for the next flight.   Kiki:OK, here they are.   A P:Your next flight will depart at Gate 4 in 25minutes. You can directly go to the boarding gate by following the signs.
[图片0]  扩展表达   转机:transfer   短期停留:short-term parking   吸烟区:smoking area   免税店:duty-free shop   衔接飞机:connecting flight   令人窒息:smothery

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