

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网KTYKGJ » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 音乐 » 古琴 » 终于知晓飞机座位英语


发布时间:2022-12-13 06:40:22
  Lele: Excuse me, Miss. This is my first flightabroad. Could you direct me to my seat?   F A: With pleasure. Let me see your boarding card first. Your seat is 32 E on the aisle in the non-smoking section. Go straight back and another hostess will show you where to sit.   Lele: Thanks a lot.   Lele: Would you help 32 E.   F A: Sure! Come this steps.   Lele: Thank with this? My seat is way. Please watch your(The seat has been occupied by a young lady.)F A: Excuse me. May I see your boarding card?   T L: OK.   F A: I'm afraid you're sitting in the wrong seat.   Yours is the window seat, next to this.   T L: Oh,I’m sorry. I'll move, then.   F A: Put your sack on the baggage locker. I'll come back later to see if you're alright.   Lele: Thank you so much.
[图片0]   乐乐:打扰了,小姐。我第一次坐飞机出国。你能带我找一下座位吗?   空姐:很高兴为您服务。我先看看您的登机牌。您的座位在无烟区32 E.靠近过道.直接向后走。另一位空姐会把您领到座位上。   乐乐:非常感谢。   乐乐:你可以帮我吗?我的座位号是32 E.   空姐:当然。清这边走.脚下留神。   乐乐:谢谢。   (座位已经破一位年轻女士占了)   空姐:对不起。可以看一下您的登机牌吗?   年轻女士:可以.   一空姐:恐怕您坐错位子了.您的是旁边靠窗的座位。   年轻女士:哦,真抱歉。我这就让位。   空姐:把您的背包放在行李柜里。 我等会儿再过来。   乐乐:太感谢了。
  扩展表达   机舱:cabin   非吸烟区:non-smoking section   靠过道座位:aisle seat   吸烟区:smoking section   靠窗座位:window seat   座位袋:seat pocket

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