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终于发现观光旅游 英语

发布时间:2022-12-13 06:49:50
   information观光信息   Can I have a sightseeing guide一book?   Where can I get information on sightseeing tours?   Where is the tourist information office?
  情景对话   A:Would you like to go sightseeing tomorrow?你明天想不想四处游览?   B:Not a bad idea!这主意不错!   A:What would you like to see in Beijing?你想看看北京的哪个地方?   B:Well, let's see. I'd like to go to the Summer ,我想想。我想去颐和园。   A:I'll pick you up here tomorrow.明天我来这里接你。
   is it worth seeing?哪里值得观光?   Could you recommend some popular tours?   Could you tell me some interesting places in this town?   Please tell me some places to visit for sightseeing.
  情景对话   Ellen:How long are your parents going to stay in China?你父母准备在中国待多久?   John:about 15 days. I want them to stay 5 days in Beijing and 10 days somewhere else. What do you think?十五天左右。我想让他们在北京玩儿五天,再在外地玩儿十天。你看怎么样?
  Ellen:That sounds good. Where would you like to take them to travel while in Beijing?挺好的。想好要去哪儿逛了吗?   John:The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, and where else?长城,故宫,颐和园,天坛,还有哪儿?
  Ellen:I think you can take them for a stroll around Wangfujing and Houhai.我觉得还可以带似门去王府并和后海逛逛。   John:Where should they go when they leave Beijing?外地去哪儿好呢?
  Ellen:I think Xi'an, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Kunming are pretty good.我觉得西安,苏州,杭州,还有昆明都挺好的。   John:Wow, there are so many places to go.哇,要走的地方还真不少呢。
[图片0]    bus观光巴士   Are there any city sighting buses?   What can I see on this sightseeing bus?/Where does the bus start?
   guide导游   Do you have any tours with Chinese speaking guides?   What is the fee of guide per day?   Do we have a Chinese一speaking guide?
   want to go...…我想去……   I'm interested in architecture./I'd like to see T Church.   I'd like to go to World Trade Center.   I'd like to take a sightseeing tour./I want to see the Tower of London.   I want to go to the Great Wall.
  交通   Is it far from here?/Can I walk down there?   How long does it take to get there on foot?/Can I go there by bus?   I'd like to take the horse一drawn carriage. How much does it cost?

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