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发布时间:2022-12-13 06:56:44
   is the exam?什么时候考试?   When is the final?/When are the examination dates?   What is the final exam period?
  情景对话   A:I'm going to give you an end of the unit test this Friday. Please be prepared for it.这个星期五我将对你们进行单元测试。请做好准备。   B:Would you please tell us how to review our lessons?你可以告诉我们如何复习功课吗?
  A:Review all the lessons in this unit and see if you can understand the main idea of each lesson.复习这个单元的所有课文,然后看看你们是否理解这篇课文的大意。   B:Any other requirements?还有其他要求吗?
  A:Phrases and sentence patterns are also very important. You should know how to use them.短语和句型也很重要。   你们必须知道如何使用它们。   B:Should we remember all the new words and expressions?我们应该熟记所有的新单词和表达吗?
  A:Certainly.当然。   B:Sorry, I dorit quite understand some difficult points in this wonder if you could help us to solve the problems.抱歉,我不太明白这个单元的一些难点。我想知道你可以帮我们解决这些难题吗?
  A:Well, when you review your lessons, mark the places which you do not understand. Then I will give you some coaching.好的,当你们复习功课的时候,遇到不懂的地方把它们标出来。然后我会给你们辅导。   B:When shall we have a coaching period?我们什么时候辅导?
  A:How about tomorrow?明天怎么样?   B:OK.行。
[图片0]   ' s on the exam?考什么?   What's on the exam?/What's going on to be covered in the exam?   What is he testing on?
   will be all in multiple一choice.是选择题。   It will be all in multiple一choice.   You will have multiple choice questions./It's a multiple choice test.
   are you prepared for the test?考试准备得如何?   How are you prepared for the test?/How much preparing did you do?   What did you do to get ready for the test?
  5. No cheating考试禁止作弊   No cheating./Please do not cheat./Cheating will not be tolerated.
  情景对话   Mary:Hi, Tony. You look 's wrong?嗨,托尼。你看起来不高兴。怎么了?   Tony:Oh, Mary. I made a big mistake.哦,玛丽。我犯了个大错。
  Mary:What happened?发生什么事了?   Tony:I really wish I hadn't done it.我真希望我没那么做。
  Mary:What on earth are you talking about?你究竟在说什么呢?   Tony:I got caught cheating. I feel so teacher saw me and told me I failed.我考试作弊被抓了.我感觉太丢人了。老师看见我了,还告诉我这次考试不及格了。
  Mary:What were you thinking?你想什么呢?   Tony:You know my father. If I fail, he'll kill have to do well.你知道我爸爸的。我要是考试不及格,他会杀了我的。我必须得考好才行。
  Mary:But what you should do is to study hard.可是你应该做的是好好学习啊。   Tony:I ' s my entire feel awful that I didn' t study, and I cheated,and I got caught.我知道。都是我的错。我不学习,还作弊,结果还被抓了,这真是太糟了。
  Mary:So long as you learn from your mistakes.只要你汲取教训就好了.   Tony:I know. I feel like a father is going to be so disappointed when he finds out what I've done.我知道。我觉得自己太失败了。我爸爸要是知道我做了些什么的话,他一定会很失望的。

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