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发布时间:2022-12-13 06:58:44
   aren' t doing well these days.你近的工作表现不太好。   You arent doing well these days.   You need to improve your performance.   You did not do too well on your evaluation.
  情景对话   Molly:Could I have a word with you?我可以跟你谈谈吗?   Gordon:Sure, what is it?当然,什么事?
  Molly:I am disappointed with your work lately.我对你近的工作感到失望。   Gordon:I'm sorry. I've been having some problems.对不起,我有一些麻烦。
   made too many mistakes.你出了很多错。   You made too many mistakes./You are too clumsy.   Seems like the more you work, the more mistakes you make.
  情景对话   A:Lily, are you satisfied with your new secretary?莉莉,你对你的新秘书满意吗?   B:Err...... how to say it?On the whole, I should say yes. But there are still some trifles I hate to ,怎么说呢?总体来说,我应该说满意的。但是我还是讨厌看到一些琐事。
  A:I can't understand you. But everybody has his shortcomings.我不明白你说的。但是侮个人都有其弱点。   B:His desk is always in a mess.他的办公桌总是乱七八糟的。
  A:Has it influenced your work?这影响到你工作了吗?   B:No, he does a very good job.不,他工作做IMP好。
  A:Then let him be. You should respect his habit.那就随他吧。你应该尊重他的习惯。   B:I'lI try.我试试吧。
[图片0]   3. Correct on the spot.当场指正。   Fix it right away./Go straighten things out./Work it out.   You need to fix this matter immediately.
   it out loud.有话就说。   Say it out loud./Go ahead, spill it.   If you have got something to say, say it.
  情景对话   John:Have you heard that I'm losing my manager position?老板要免掉我的经理职务,你听说了吗?   Wenny:Huh?I didn't hear that.是吗?我还不知道。
  John:Don't pretend anymore. I know it was you who made trouble for you weren't so devious, the talksbetween our company and our partner wouldn't have failed, and I wouldrit be demoted.别装了。我知道是你捣鬼。要不是你做了手脚,我们公司与合作伙伴的这次谈判就不会失败,我也不会被撤职。   Wenny:Do you have any proof?If not, dorit be ridiculous.你有证据吗?没证据就别胡说/随。
  John:Proof?Look at these pictures and tell me that's not you. You leaked company secrets to our competitor inorder to defeat me.证据?你看看这些照片上是不是你,你为了打败我,竟然泄露消息给我们的竞争对手。   Wenny:That's impossible. How did you get these pictures?不可能,你怎么会有这些照片?
  John:Well, the day has eyes, the night has ears. I wonder what our boss will think if he sees these.哼,若要人不知,除非己莫为。不知道老板看了这些照片,会怎么想。

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