

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网LYMEZD » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 球类 » 足球 » 总算明了我想请假英语对话


发布时间:2022-12-13 07:03:29


Hello. Mr. Frank speaking.喂,我是弗兰克先生。 Hello, Mr. Frank. This is Zhang Wei here. I wonder if it is possible for me to come in a bit late tomorrow? 你好,弗兰克先生,我是张伟。我明天上班要晚到一会儿,不知行不行? What' s up? Nothing wrong, I hope. 怎么了?但愿没出什么事吧? No, no. It' s just my mother returning from a long trip tomorrow morning, and I' d like to go and meet her. Would you mind if I come in at 9: 30? 没有,没有。我母亲明天上午长途旅行回来,我想去接她。我如果九点半来上班您不会介意吧? What time is your mother coming? 你母亲什么时候到? The train gets in at 8: 10. It means I' d be about one hour late for work. Would that be all right? 火车八点十分进站,这意味着我要晚来上班一个小时。您觉得这没有问题吧? Well, Zhang Wei, you know tomorrow morning' s meeting is very important and you must attend it. So…I mean, isn' t there anyone else in the family, who could go? 噢,张伟,你知道明天上午的会议非常重要,你必须参加。所以……我的意思是说你们家里能不能别人去一下? No, I' m afraid there isn' t. I' m the only one with a car. I hope you don' t mind. 没有,恐怕没人能去。我们家只有我一个人有汽车。我希望您不会介意。 All right. I suppose you'll have to go then. We'll put the meeting off to ten o' clock. Try not to be too late. 好吧,我想你不得不去了。我们把会议推迟到十点再开,尽量别太晚了。 Right. Thank you very much. Goodbye.好,非常感谢您,再见。 Goodbye. 再见。

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