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位置:勤学思培训网RMOYRF » 培训新闻 » 语言培训 » 英语 » 剑桥英语 » 总算领会付钱的英文


发布时间:2022-12-13 07:10:50
   much is the fare?多少钱?   How much is the fare?   about how much is the fare to New York?   The rate is two dollars for the first two kilometers and twenty cents for each additional two hundred meters.   I do not know the fare exactly, but it will show on the meter.
   something wrong with the meter?表坏了吗?   Something must be wrong with the meter.   Is something wrong with the meter?
   is too much.太贵了!   It is too much./The fare is a little expensive.   You are overcharging me.   I will pay as much as it says on the meter./I am short-changed.
  小费   How much should I give the driver as a tip?   The tip is generally fifteen percent of the fare.   Keep the change, please./Hey, mister. This is not enough.   The tip, this dollar./Here's a dollar for you.   This is a dollar as my tip./This dollar is yours./Keep this dollar.   Oh,I'm sorry. I forgot about is the first time I have taken a taxi in the United States.   忘付小费。
[图片0]   情景对话   A:Taxi!出租车!   B:Get on, please. Where do you want to go?请上车.您要去哪里?
  A:Thanks you!Please hurry!I'm late. Can I get to the Battery Park before 4?谢谢您!请快点!我迟到了。我可以在四点之前到达Battery Park吗?   B:All right, Miss. I think well get there if there are no delays along the way.可以的,小姐。我想如果路上没有耽搁,我们可以准时到达那里的。
  A:How exactly do you figure out the car fare?您是怎样计算车费的?   B:According to the kilometer age. The first 5 kilometers are 5 every kilometer extra cost you 50 cents.   根据公里数来计价。前5公里是5美元。余下的每公里美元。
  A:Oh, I see!噢,我明白了!   B:Here we are, Miss.小姐,我们到了。
  A:Thank much do I owe you?谢谢你。我应该付你多少钱?   B:You owe me 19 dollars.你应该给我19美元。
  A:That's 20 dollars. Keep the change.这里是20美元。不用找零了.   B:Thank you!谢谢!

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