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发布时间:2022-12-13 07:12:02


What is it, ?贝克尔先生,你找我? Take a seat, please, Mr. Wu.请坐,吴先生。 Thank you.谢谢。 John told me that you are very industrious and achieve a lot in work. He said you are honest,tactful and responsible. 我听约翰说你工作勤奋,业绩不错。他还说你为人诚实,机敏灵活,富有责任感。 I' m really glad to hear these. John is a good person and he shows much concern for us. Every staff member in our office is cooperative and professional. 很高兴听到这些。约翰先生确实是个好人,他很关心员工,我们那里的每个员工都很团结,很敬业。 Yes. I know John is getting along well with all staff members. Maybe that' s why Sales Department has been making increasing profits these months. But John is going to be transferred to our main office next month. 是的。我知道约翰与员工相处很好,也许这是营销部利润月月上升的原因吧。可约翰下个月就要调到公司总部去工作了。 Really? That' s good news. However, to be frank, we are not willing to part with him. 真的吗?这可是个好消息。不过,说真的,我们舍不得他走。 Me too. John appreciates your ability very much. He recommends you as the sales manager. I also think you are the right person for the job. What do you think about it? 我也是。约翰很欣赏你的才干,他推荐你担任营业部经理,我也认为你是人选,你觉得怎样? That is unexpected. Thank you very much. But I' m afraid I can' t do it as well as John did. 这我一点也没想到,很感谢你,但我担心我不能干得和约翰一样好。 Don' t worry. I know you are popular with colleagues and they will give you a hand. I' m sure you'll do as well as, or even better than John. 别担心。我知道你很得人心,员工会支持你的。我相信你会跟约翰干得一样出色,甚至超过他。 Thank you very much. I'll value the opportunity. 非常感谢。我会珍惜这个机会的。 You always support us. I really appreciate it. 你总是支持我们的工作,我真的很欣赏你这一点。 [图片1]

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