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位置:勤学思培训网KTYKGJ » 培训新闻 » IT技术 » 软件系统 » 机器人 » 总算明了送行英文怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-13 07:13:09
   for your hospitality.谢谢您的热情招待。   Thanks for your hospitality.
   enjoyed having you over.很高兴你的到来。   I enjoyed having you over./It was great to have you over.   Pleased to have met you.
  3. Go home safe.路上小心。   Go home safe./Drive safe./Wish you a safe ride home.   Take care/Take it easy.
  4. You are welcome to visit.常过来玩。   You are welcome to visit./Come and see me when you have time.   I'm looking forward to seeing you again.   You can come over anytime.
[图片0]   情景对话   A:Who is it?是谁?   B:It's me, Nick.是我,尼克。
  A:Oh, Nick!Long time no see. Come on in.呢,尼克!很久不见。请进。   B:Nice to meet you again.很高兴又见到你。
  A:Same here.我也一样。   B:Here are some flowers for you.这些花是送给你的。
  A:Thank you!You really gave me a surprise by a sudden visit. What do you do now?谢谢你!你的突然到访真的带给我惊喜。你现在做什么工作?   B:Uh, I'm running an internet company.额,我经营一家因特网公司。
  A:How's your business then?那你的生意怎么样?   B:Generally it's pretty well, but I've run into some technical problems recently, and it seems that I can't handle it by myself, so I really need your help总体上来说很好,但是近我遇到一些技术问题,我自己似乎解决不了,所以我真的需要你的帮忙。
  A:I hope I could be of some help.我希望我能帮上忙。   B:Of course you will.你一定可以的。
  A:Thank you for saying that, Nick. Could I have your name card?谢谢你这样说,尼克。我可以要你的名片吗?   B:Oh, yes.噢,是的。
  A:Can I call you tomorrow?I have something really urgent to do now,I'm sorry.我明天打电话给你好吗?现在我有一些急事要做,我很抱歉。   B:Alright!没问题!

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