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位置:勤学思培训网RRHQXD » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 金融 » 证券从业资格 » 终于清楚时间地点英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-13 07:15:45
   time?几点?   What's a good time for you?/What time is the best for you?   When are you going to be available to meet?   What time suits you best?
   about 5 o' clock?5点怎么样?   How about 5 oclock?/How does 5 p. ?
   will be fine.任何时候都可以。   Any time will be fine./Whenever./We are ready when you are. Any time.
   choose the time.你决定吧。   You choose the time./Why don't you tell me the time?   You set the time.
   should we meet?在哪见?   Where should we meet?/Let's think of a place to meet.   Where is a good place to meet?
[图片0]    you recommend any place?你觉得哪里比较好?   Do you recommend any place?   Is there a particular place you have in mind?   Have an idea of a place?
   can meet halfway.我们在中途见。   We can meet halfway./Why don't we meet halfway?   Let's meet somewhere halfway.
   will see you at 4 the gate.下午四点在门口见。   I will see you at 4 at the gate./The gate,4 p. m.?   How about the gate at 4?
  情景对话   A:What's a good time for you?你觉得几点合适?   B:Any time will be fine. You set the time.几点都行,你决定吧。
  A:How about 5 o'clock?五点怎么样?   B:OK. Where should we meet?可以,我们在哪见?
  A:Do you recommend any place?你有什么地方推荐吗?   B:We can meet halfway.我们可以在途中见。   A:All right. See you there.好的,一会见。

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