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发布时间:2022-12-13 07:15:45
   wish I could, but...…我希望可以,但是……I wish I could, but...…委婉地拒方要求的表达方式。   I'd love to, but......
  ' m afraid not.,不行。   I'm afraid not./I'm afraid so.
  ' d prefer it if you didn' t.希望你比较好别。   I'd prefer it if you didn't./I'd prefer you not to.   I'd rather that you not.
   won' t.我不愿意。   I won't.
  5. No, thank you.不,谢谢。   No,thank you.虽然很感激,但必须拒绝时使用.   No,thanks.
   don' t think so.我想不行。   I don't think so./I don't believe so.
[图片0]    don' t want it.我不要。   I don't want it./I really don't want it.
  ' m sorry I can' t help you.真抱歉,我不能帮助你。   I'm sorry I cant help you./I'm sorry I cant assist you.   I'm sorry I can't be any help./A wish I could help you, but I can't.
   can' t do anything about it.那事我使不上劲。   I can't do anything about it./There is nothing I can do about it.   I can do nothing about it.
   can' t make that happen.我无法满足你的愿望。   I can't make that happen.
  ' m not in the mood.我没那份心情。   I'm not in the mood./I don't feel like it.
  ' m afraid I' ve got urgent.很遗憾,我现在有件急事。   I'm afraid I've got urgent./Business now.
   have other business to take care of.我有别的事。   I have other business to take care of.   I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now.
  ' m sorry, but I' m in a hurry.对不起,我有急事。   I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry./Sorry, I don't have time.

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