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位置:勤学思培训网GEZYDK » 培训新闻 » IT技术 » 软件制图 » CAD » 总算发现鼓励用英语


发布时间:2022-12-13 07:30:32
   up!振作起来!     Cheer up!/Keep your chin up./Come on!/Don't be so miserable!   Pull yourself together./Don't let it get you down./Take heart.   Keep smiling!/Keep trying!/Take it easy!/Get a hold of yourself!   Get your shit together!   短对话   A:Cheer up!振作起来!   B:I'll try.我会的。   ' t cry.别哭了。   Don't cry./Wipe your tears.
[图片0]    your best!加油呀!   Do your best!/Do a good job!/Go for it!/Take a chance!   Well cheer for you.   cheer助威,喝彩   You can do it!   情景对话   A:I find that English is too difficult for me.我觉得英文太难了。 B:Don't let that get you down. You will get the hang of it.不要因此而沮丧。你会掌握到窍门的。   A:I had tried many times and many ways, but I just cant speak a single word.我试了很多次,试了很多种方法,就是讲不出一个词。   B:Don't give up. You pick it up as you go.别放弃。只要坚持你就能掌握的。   A:I'm not sure.我不敢肯定。   B:Show some courage!I bet you can make it.拿出点勇气来!我相信你可以的。   A:Should I ask her out?我是不是该约她出去?   B:Yeah, go for it!是呀,勇敢点儿!   A:I'm playing basketball tomorrow.明天我有篮球比赛。   B:We'll cheer for your team.我们会给你球队助威的。
   harder next time.下次再努力吧。     Try harder next time.
  短对话   A:My test score was low.我的考试分数低。   B:Try harder next time.下次再努力吧。

   in there!别松劲!   Hang in there!   鼓励正在做某事的人,“坚持下去”“不要放弃”   Don't give it up!/Keep at it!坚持下去!   Try harder!/Keep it up!/Never give up!/Go to it.   短对话   A:I can't do it anymore.我不行了。   B:Hang in there!别松劲!

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