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总算明了查收邮件 英语

发布时间:2022-12-13 07:42:43
  情景会话   A: Hi, are you free now?   B: Yes. What can I do for you?   A: A client sent me an email. Would you like to check the email for me now?   It's a little urgent.   B: Of course. I know your email you tell me your password?   A: It is .   B: Please wait for a moment. Let me check now.   A: OK!   B: It is from Jack.   A: Yes. Can you tell me the main idea?   B: He said there is a quality problem and hope you can contact him as soon as possible.   A: Thank you very much.   A:你好,你现在有时间吗?   B:有,能为您做些什么吗?   A:有位客户给我发了一封邮件。你能帮我查看一下吗?有点着急。   B:当然可以。我知道你的邮箱地址。能告诉我密码吗?   A:密码是   B:请稍等。我查看一下。   A:好的!   B:这封邮件是杰克发给您的。   A:是的。能告诉我主要内容吗?   B:他说产品出现了质量问题,希望您尽快联系他。   A:非常感谢。
[图片0]   场景表述   Would you like to check the email for me now?   你能帮我查看一下吗?
  还可以这样说:   OPlease help me check the email now.请帮我查看这封邮件。   O Is it possible for you to check the email for me now?你现在可以帮我查看一下邮件吗?
  对方可能这样回答:   O Sorry, I'm away from computer now.抱歉,我现在没在电脑旁边。   O No problem.没问题。
  Can you tell me the main idea?   能告诉我主要内容吗?
  还可以这样说:   O I want to know the main idea of this email.我想知道这封邮件的主要内容。   O Please summarize the email.请概括一下这封邮件的内容。
  对方可能这样I'll答:   O Sorry. It is written in Chinese but my Chinese is not good.抱歉。这封邮件是用中文写的,但是我的中文很不好。   onothing important. Just say Happy National Day.没什么重要的事情。只是说国庆节快乐。

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