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发布时间:2022-12-13 07:50:37
  情景会话   A: You are Mr. Green, right? I'm HenryWhite.   B: Nice to meet you, Mr. White.   A: Nice to meet you, too. First, tell me a little about yourself please.   B: All right. I graduated from Peking University two years ago. My majorwas international trade.   A: According to your resume, you've been working for an import andexport company in Shanghai since you graduated. What are yourresponsibilities there?   B: I'm responsible for exporting cotton to several European countries.   A: So you must have a good command of English.   B: Yes. All my clients think my English is good.
  A:格林先生吗?我是亨利·怀特。   B:很高兴见到您,怀特先生。   A:很高兴见到您。首先,请做一下自我介绍。   B:好的。我两年前毕业于北京大学。我的专业是国际贸易。   A:从您的简历我了解到,您毕业后一直在上海一家进出口公司工作。您的工作职责是什么?   B:我负责向一些欧洲国家出口棉花。   A:那您的英语一定掌握得很好。   B:是的。我所有的客户都觉得我的英语很好。
[图片0]   场景表述
  First, tell me a little about yourself, please.   首先.请做一下自我介绍。
  还可以这样说:   O Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.您能做一个两分钟的自我推荐吗?   开始吧。   OCan you introduce yourself in English?您能用英语做自我介绍吗?
  对方可能这样回答:   O My name is Lee and I come to apply for the position as an office secretary.我叫李,我来应聘办公室秘书一职。
  O My name is Philip, and I apply for the position of overseas sales representative.我叫菲利普,我来应聘海外销售代表一职。
  What are your responsibilities there?   您的工作职责是什么?
  还可以这样说:   O So what do you actually do at your job?您在工作中具体做些什么?   O What's your position?您的职位是什么?
  对方可能这样回答:   O I'm a journalist; I work for a newspaper.我是一名记者,在报社工作。   O I'm responsible for exporting glass to several European countries.我负责向一些欧洲国家出口玻璃。

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